Nakara, monster girl reverse rape game

Yo, That guy, Redspike, has uploaded the 0.5 demo version of his new game on Patreon

I thought it’d be cool to let people know if they might be interested.

So it roughly plays like doom but you collect stuff through a maze like pac-man and there’s upgrades spread throughout, almost roguelike (you lose everything upon death, keep some rewards :wink:)

Okay but the important stuff, the meat, is good.

So it’s 2D animated sprite action on 3D background. The animation is superb, the monster girl design is great, but let me tell you about the thing that wraps it all together, with a little bow on top.

The sound design is, by far, one of the best from one of those hentai games. The wet plapping, the skin slapping, the sucking, the moans. Almost makes you want to get caugh on purpose.

Oh yeah, it’s pretty difficult. I’m trying to clear levels to have the monster girls in the gallery and I keep getting my ass handed to me.

Thinking I might do like monster girl assault and record all of the H scenes and script them, they are short, I can handle it lol.

But I’ve been playing (might have played during work hours too) and it’s fun

and hot.


Looks dope.

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There’s a level with weeping angel type monster girls and it’s legit stress inducing lol.

But losing ain’t so bad :wink:

The graphics reminds me of “Delver”, think it’s made just with that engine… Was a good game.

Speaking of monster girl dungeon crawlers, here’s another one that may also interests ppl. It’s just not being actively developed as of late.

I know that one!

Actually, there was a almost 5 minute video of it showing the slime girl and wolf girl ravishing the MC and someone made a script that I have

Such a shame it was abandoned, I was really excited about it when I first saw it.

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So decided to look at how to decompile the game and leave information here incase anyone decides to mod this. what veiled said about it playing like doom is essentially hitting the nail on the head cause it runs on zdoom, which is basically the original doom framework released for anyone who wants to create a similar game.

You can take one of the game files, [specifically Nk(version number).ipk3], and change it to a .zip instead to open all the contents and modify anything. sprites, scripts, maps, ect.

Ive then located the files where hscenes are played in the scripts folder, found out you can open .zsc files in notepad and its definitely readable. most lines point to individual images and here is the problem…

Either I’m to ignorant/blind or to tired right now to understand how this code calculates time. (I might look at it later and it will hit me like a sack of bricks.)

On another note, the update frequency of this game seems pretty fast so if someone does attempt to mod this game it might be best to wait for the full release first (currently at the time of writing v0.6).

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