Subscribe to Naughty America here and get access to these 10 new scripted videos supported by The Handy plus many, many more scripts. If you already have a Naughty America subscription, we hope you’re enjoying The Handy experience!
This really is quite confusing, as other than the Alexis Texas scene (which btw is a threesome with Kendall Brooks for anyone interested) I’ve had all of these for a while.
It’s a shame as it seems the NAVR scripts offering is a strange combo of an improving product, odd random misinformation and unfathomable archiving. Until today, when logged in, the Dream Lover tab would show a list of scenes, in chronological order of the actual scene production, even if the scripts weren’t added in that order. So a brand new script for a 3 year old scene would be way down the list.
At the moment the ‘Interactive’ tab as it’s now known, even if you’re already a Dream Lover subscriber like myself, takes you to a page advertising the product with a bunch of 1 - 3 minute long samples, which is fair enough, you need to push this product and make it viable. I just hope that this isn’t a permanent step backward, making it even harder to know what scripted scenes you have recently added.
On the site in general, when logged in, clicking on a tab like Videos will show you all videos in descending date order, then clicking on a tab within that, like Blondes, will show you all videos with blondes in descending order. This is all pretty straightforward. So why not have something like SLR has which is a tab for scripts that will show all the scenes with scripts, in order of the date the script was added? This helps subscribers keep track of newly arrived scripts but also shouldn’t be too confusing to new customers. Especially if you also have a ‘hot’ option which shows the scripted scenes in order of popularity instead of scripting.
Also is there any sign yet of getting rid of these expiring tokens which keep needing to be replaced? We were told it was being worked on.
And one more thing, who do we now contact when a script has a clear error or a deficiency that can be easily remedied? Bearing in mind that we don’t have access to make these fixes ourselves.
Btw, as I’ve said before here, it seems like I’m a hater but I’m really not. I love the scenes and the scripts are improving. It’s just a frustrating delivery system. As things stand, there’s no way to just browse the scripted scenes, as you just get taken to the free samples. But a really easy way would be to just add a tag like ‘interactive’ ‘handy’ or ‘dream lover’ to each scripted scene, along with all the many other tags they have. Then just clicking on that tag would show all scripted scenes, which is at least what we could do until a couple of days ago.
nice! NaughtyAmerica makes my favorite VR videos. Nice camera work, great choice of pornstar, and I like the cowgirl and reverse cowgirl done in sitting and laying position.