Need a Funscript for Your Video? I will make Funscripts for you!


Got a video and want to make it interactive? I create custom funscripts that’ll sync perfectly with your content. Whether it’s for personal use or something more, I’m your go-to person.

What I Do:

Custom Funscripts: You send me the video, I make a script that matches its vibe and action.
All Kinds of Videos: you name it.
Quick & Accurate: I focus on making it precise and delivering it fast.
Why Me?

Tailored for You: Every video gets its own unique script.
Fast Turnaround: I won’t keep you waiting.
Hit Me Up!
Need a funscript? Just send over your video and let’s make it interactive. Questions? Shoot!

I usaly Charge 0.5 USD per min.

Here is a sample for you!

(funscript is in the link)

Catch you later!



Can you share your rates and any samples of your scripting work?


Yes of course. Here is a sample for you all. 239.39 MB folder on MEGA


If you are not scibbles, it is scam. :expressionless:

Same filesize!



My apologies. I renamed and uploaded the wrong files into the folder it should be fixed now.

Thanks for the correction. I looked into your script and I am not convinced about the script quality.

I drop a few examples:

The movement for the blowjob is much too deep. … even if we talk about taste or preferences.

There is no action and if there would be one, why 3 points on downward movement?

Too fast for nealy every stroker. Did you tested it? Why the point before red downward move?

The white line marks the highest point in the video. The script don’t fit.

The script is over. The action on screen not.

Did you just use the funscript generator? If not. I need someone to realise parts for my projects but with better scripting skills. If you work on those skill I will pay you more than 0.5 Dollar per scripted minute.


I did not use a fun script generator. it is a work in progress. i can send you an extended script. also, i am very curious about your project:)

You can message me here if you think the script is no longer at status “work in progress”.

Hey how do I get into contact with you? :slight_smile:

hello. how do I contact you about a custom funscript? i am new to this website.