New tags for video length

len-0-2 len-2-5 len-5-10 len-10-25 len-25-60 len-60-plus

Added these new tags by popular demand in Video length tags [poll]

Increased the tag limit by 1 to 7 total.

These are not required today, but we’re considering the idea of making them required in the future.


These tags are a nice addition, one question though.

You say you are considering making them required in the future, which I don’t mind, but what about big posts with multiple videos, like for example my Noodledude post with 14 different videos in it that all range from 1 to 41 minutes. Would I need to pick one or use all five tags that encompass that? Or is there a better solution for posts like this?


Great point. Another tag for “multi-file” as the seventh length tag would address this.

Is it okay for regulars and above to edit tags to add these on to topics without them or just leave it for the topic makers to do so for now?

Also on the topic of what to do for big posts with multiple videos I think they don’t need the tag if it’s a wide range of lengths as the title saying collection or pack should in my mind say to expect anything.

It was said about having a variable tag for when there’s a short and long versions of the same video here: Video length tags [poll] - #15 by Husky but was also said about for now using the original video length as the one used for the length tag, e.g. OG length 20 seconds but extended is 2+ mins then 0-2 tag used.

Yay! The length tags are finally here! :confetti_ball:

I think it would be nice to add the information about the new tags to the default template for script posts or pin this topic for a while somehow, so people can get slowly used to it.

It’s just a suggestion, but I guess we could continue the discussion about it here or create a new feedback topic.

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I vote for a seperate tag here: len-multiple

And in the case all videos are between 2 and 5 in length, both tags would be fine anyway. Its rare that a thread has 3 videos of over 10mins, or videos with significantly diffirent lengths. So this edge case should be well managed with just a single tag.

And even if its 2 videos of 3, 2 of 4, 2 of 5 and 2 of 6 mins, if 2-5 was chosen i would also deem that acceptable. There arent that many threads with multiple posts, so if something was tagged wrong, a mod can probably fix it.

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I’ve just posted in the discussion as you suggested since I don’t see a need for a third topic about the same thing as we don’t need another poll and it is still the same thing.