Nogasm/edge o matic

i really want a nogasm or edge o matic but i can figure out where to buy???

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Nogasm Denial V1 made to Order - Etsy?

you can purchase the Edge-O-Matic here: Edge-o-Matic 3000 – Maus-Tec if you want the EOM you’ll have to wait until 2pm CST on a Monday when they update the units available. place your order if you can, usually they go out of stock shortly after, and then prepare yourself for a 8-12 week wait. I ordered mine on Jan. 29, and I got a notification that it shipped on March 29. It still hasn’t actually shipped but the label was made. Nogasm is also available on Etsy, looks like the same guy.

Has this shipped yet, what’s your experience like with it?

yes i received it the same week as I made the post. My experience with it is that it doesn’t work. I’ve heard that you can trick it and I feel like I might be doing that instinctively, because I’m used to prostate stimulation from other things. There’s a lot of calibration that needs to be done, and its probably not calibrated correctly either, which could be a contributing factor. I’m quite disappointed with it.


Oh hey I forgot about this…I got in contact with the guy on Etsy and they said that their one is just the v1 while the Maus-Tec one is basically v2 but done by the original creators of v1. I also got the following from asking the seller a few details about their listing and also about the Maus-Tec one, I’m not posting the full chatlog, instead what I think are good details to know:

Edited Details I got from the Etsy seller

The vibrator included is a fairly small one suitable for everyone. You can utilize any inflatable plug you want, but will have to cut the line to add in the pressure sensor.

You can’t swap the vibrator for anything other than a different 12v vibrator. The output is simply a pwm voltage only usable for DC motors. (This was in response to me asking if I could swap it out for anything else like a stroker)

The buttplug is 3.5" long and 1.5" diameter when initially softly inflated for insertion, or can be fully deflated and flat. It’s a completely soft plug with no rigid core. The tip can inflate up to 3.25"diameter. It has a unique metal ball inside it to stimulate you inside when you move around and fight against the Nogasm.

The Nogasm is the original version of Maustecs devices that they discontinued. It’s a very popular and fun device to use. Their newer unit offers wifi and Bluetooth, with limited control over other devices that you have to program yourself. It’s also very difficult to get and takes a very long time to make.

So yeah the Maus-Tec if it’s not good then the Nogasm is probably going to be just as fiddly although it could work with strokers while the Nogasm probably would require a ton of DIY from the sounds of it. Oh and due to the tube from the buttplug I can’t see anyway to have a sitting down setup unless you get a special kind of chair with a hole for it or have a laying down VR setup on your bed or sorts.

I do not find this surprising since both devices go off pressure your anus is putting on it which will flex around especially if it’s more sensitive or aware of it being used for pleasure I believe. The anus also can exert a massive amount of force when it wants to as well.

So yeah I feel this needs a lot more refinement before it can be used properly.

the sitting down part with the plug in wasn’t a problem, although you could trigger pressure if you move around too much in a certain way. The EOM 3000 can actually work with strokers right now using yoi’s plugin for MFP. ( its located in a long thread started by me on this forum) If you read that thread you’ll see that it will require tweaking and testing. I just ran out of patience and time for that. TBH i have only tried to use the EOM in its native form twice, both times failed to stop me going over the edge, and using it that way was not the way I hoping to be able to use it. the result is that I probably never put in enough time to really calibrate things properly for the normal mode. Furthermore I began to question if the entire concept was really that appealing to me, which is another contributing factor to my disappointment in the product.

As much as I think the concept is appealing, its a lot of jumping through hoops getting the eom, diy or trying to buy one from someone. I took the diy route until i tried to use the pressure sensor, and that didnt work.

If you want something for an 8th of the price and already have a xtoys compatible device, you can use a kegel trainer as a pressure sensor with a particular xtoys layout.