Noxy-Red Standalone


As promised, the potato is out

I am coming down again with the flue so i haven’t gotten around to fully test run everything. So this is like a early release maybe? Also making a video about the installation will take me a while longer, as well as going over everything once more. So go ahead and try it at your own risk :sunglasses:

in the Docs folder:
You’ll have some instructions in the docs folder, the white paper so to speak is this file:
What is Noxy.pdf

The Installation Guide for Docker is:
1. Step Installation Docker.pdf

After Docker is installed, the only thing to do is to is to execute:

The Batch will ask if you like to create shortcuts on the Desktop. If you rather not, you can simply start it up by hitting:

If everything works, you’ll going to want to configure MultiFunPlayer to accepts shortcuts, CTRL + 0 for stop, CTRL + 1 etc. for the speeds.

A sample configuration that gives you an idea how to do it can be found in the docs folder:

I suggest if you already use MFP to make a copy of it for only this use, then overwrite the file in the folder of MFP with this one. Which ever road you take, you have to configure the speeds, limits and the type of motion to your liking. Especially crucial if you got a OSR2+ or SR6, you can add multiaxies etc. or just use scripts snippets from funscripts and blend them together

Last part would be to configure a profile in Voice Attack, Voice Commander or Voicebot etc. to press CTRL + Num4 (Numpad) to start the Edge Cycle. CTRL + Num1 would be stop, Num2 faster, Num3 slower.

Alternatively, you can use a android or iphone and access the webinterface, just replace localhost with the ip you are running the instances on.

The Access to Node-Red is as follows:

Dashboard / Control: http://localhost:1880/ui/
Node-RED GUI: http://localhost:1880/

Congratulation, if i did not made a mistake you got now your own edging software running. The Sky is the limit. From here you have the basic logic example to create whatever you want it to do. This goes as far as integrate for example a telegram bot, which could receive and send commands for remote play. Just to give you an idea… I also pulled it off that it could work with discord. Unfortunatly the ERP comunity is not quite ready for games like that.

So don’t miss out on your next Vote:

  • Controlling commercial Toys replacing the Remotecontrol (433mhz i.e. Buttplugs)
  • Estim to recreate a Bratprincess experience but for real, Shock my balls!
  • Pull my Nipples! I want actuated Nippleclamps!
0 voters

Thank you for your work! I’m excited to try this out. I’ve installed on a linux system so the configuation in Node-RED is empty. Are you able to please export your node configuration as a JSON to import?

Sure thing, it’s no problem to use on other Systems, that’s why i used Node-RED :smiley:

You are going to want to install under “Manage palette”:
“dashboard-evi” if it doesn’t come already with the release.

then you can import the flow from the zip file:
Noxy-RED StandaloneV0.1\docker-stack\nodered\data\flows.json
flows.json.txt (27.2 KB)
You can also use this one but you gotta edit the .txt out. Then you can import it.

After importing it will prompt you if there are issues, if you need help with it, you can post it here or hop on discord:

I got my channel under Projects → noxy-red

PS. if you tell me what distribution i can check if the py script works, i havn’t checked if it works in linux, the windows keys are different:

Ensure python-xlib is installed, as pynput relies on this package for X11 support on Linux. Install it using:

sudo apt-get install python3-xlib

by the way, if you are female especially feedback is very welcome:
i try to include options for the ladies because most toys, scripts etc. seam to be catered only or predominantly to men. also i hope to see that this evolves so couples also can play with a partner, either local or over distance.

i.e. partners can control the toys over a diy remote or cell phone during a session


hiho folks

we have an update on the estim and on the 433 integration.
as i aiming to make this possible to integrate with commercially available products. it’s a tedious work because every fricking manufacturer from china has his own cloud and app they want you to use. but we will get there.

meanwhile, the dg-lab coyote estim box is working and now in beta

if there are some owners so we can exchange, i need to know what is asked of it in the community. waveforms, etc. this thing now works without the app directly via bt from a computer. the end result will be

funscript → multifunplayer → udp endpoint → convert into coyote
meaning you will be able to run funscripts with this thing over noxy.

lastly, there is a release for the protogasm/nogasm adaptation

will send corresponding messages to pressure changes when you clinch down on it, that can drive any logic you want. like stopping the script or motion pattern etc.
it’s a wip and i need to get around making a case, some photos and a wire dia, but we’ll get there eventually.


next in the release is the dg-lab coyote v3 integration in mqtt2ble bridge:

thank you to who sponsored the device in exchange for the integration, the donor choose to stay anonymous.

please be aware that the device is mild, and not suited for pain-play. you could experiment to reduce the contact surface, but i can’t endorse those practises as it can lead to burns :slight_smile: so do at your own responsibility if you go german style on yourself.

and on this note, if you got question or need help, dm me. glad to give advice and 1:1 if you need it.

cheers and play safe