Hello, I just upgrade OFS from v1 to v3 because I want to use the fps override function. I noticed in v3 everything above 400units/s is colored red (see below), since my scripts are mostly around 400+ unit/s everything I do is red colored now which is very confusing. How do I get the old coloring scheme back? (yellow - 300/s, orange 400/s, red 500/s)
how do I set up the dev env? I have not used CMake before, can I use visual studio?
I’m developing Bright - Funscript heatmap generator in js
What are device speed limits again?
also what @ckhero is your opinion on my bar?
Should I consider to shift colors? are dark colors fine? what max speed do you use in general?
I get 900 in scripts sometimes but it probably gets greatly limited by device
You can change the warning color and the threshold for high speed in Options → Preferences → Scripting tab. Maybe that is good enough for you so you don’t need to mess around with rebuilding OFS.
I tried that, it doesnt help since my problem is so specific. I only see one color since i work almost all in the 400-550 range
It depends on the device. The Handy for example I find that it can do 500units/s (OFS units) fine but 233ms, 430units/s is the best stroke. Which is why I really like the old OFS color range (v1.4); it was around 400 orange then gradually darken to red at 500, basically your range but red color shift to right by 100.