OpenFunscripter - a scripting tool - 3.2.0 release

Young people are always horny. :heart_eyes:

is there a way when i press the home key to copy a stroke, to make it jump to the copied position but whitout it inserting that point.
Like how JSF did it (i know it is ancient but up till now it was my to go to app just for this little thing).

Does anyone know why i can no longer open previous projects after updating from an older version of OpenFunscripter to v3.2?

I just see an error that says ā€œFailed To Open Fileā€.

Its happening on all of my half completed scripts :confused:

You can fix this by opening in the old version, and then export as funscript. Then delete the .ofsp file. The .funscript can then be opened in the new version of OFS.

In one of the older versions i used to be able to shift click directly on the simulator bar to insert a point at that position. It made it super easy to script certain scenes.

Does anybody know how to re-enable this? or has the hotkey/method changed? I really miss this feature.

I was watching the video tutorial, and I couldnĀ“t find the special functions like the motion capture plugin. Has that been removed in this version? Or do I have to add it manually?

Need to install that separately.

so apologies if this has already been answered but is there a tool or function to multiply a selection of the script by a factor to make it x times slower/faster?

Since I constantly mess around with the speed while editing videos this function would be a huge boon because I could just script the source material and then adjust selections accordingly to the used speed increase/decrease.

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When i install it and try to open it, it opens and immediately closes, anyone knows how to help me please? I have tried installing other releases :frowning:

I remember theres an option in the preferences that lets you do this

unfortunately that doesnt seem to be the case. iā€™d checked there in the past, but even rechecking now, theres no option for it as far as i can tell ):

You are not the first asking this question. There are a number of possible causes and suggestions are available if you use forum search. Narrow your search to this long thread and also the help section of the forum. Some have solved it by replacing the MPV dll with an older version.


@Aletziel I believe this is how I solved this problem. Search my posts in this thread and you should find it.

bro, i searched everywhere before posting, I tried installing every release, I even did the dll change thing, and nothing, im not asking because of lazyness, im asking because i dont know what else i can do

Sorry to hear that you didnā€™t manage to solve it. Kudos for searching first, many donā€™t and ask first. I didnā€™t know since you didnā€™t wrote what you had tried except installing older releases.

I have read this entire thread with no answer found. When I enable waveform and click update waveform, it causes OFS to crash. This is non-AVX build since I have an older CPU. Any ideas? FFMPEG is installed.


It might sound a bit strange, but i realy recommend not using the waveform as the implementation is quite bad, and therefor not realy good for timing. If going by the waveform if you try making a CH video, the beats might be quite a bit off.

Its one of those features that always had a few issues.

It might help to look for error codes in the windows logs. Program crashes there can often reveal which part did crash (sometimes by either giving a well known code which apis like ffmpeg could use, or by mentioning that it cant load a dependancy). Its often no guarantee, but looking in there could reveal just enough.

Its most likely in this case a very specific portion that caused the issue. So if its related to external code (ffmpeg, or some microsoft package), knowing that specific one could reveal which software you need to update or download a package of.

If it doesnt reveal anything, then its unlikely you will find help here at all. But even a basic 0x12345678 code can indicate quite a bit, and might be just enough to give you an idea of things to try.

(also, dont post your entire log if you need help, only post the section that shows the error. logs could reveal info you dont want to be revealed)

Second this. I donā€™t know the algorithm used for the waveform but generally theyā€™ve not been very helpfulā€¦ At certain zoom level they tend to go out of sync too.

Hey guys, Iā€™m a long time openfunscript user.

I just recently had an issue where OFS wouldnā€™t open, and I figured ā€œwell now is probably a good time to updateā€ so I uninstalled version 1.0 (holy moly) and downloaded the latest version.

Iā€™m kind of a on and off scripter, and I went to open up a file that already had an ofsp file, but it wonā€™t import it. It only will import completed scripts. Will I need to revert back to an old version? Or could there be some kind of corruption or something on my end?


The project file format changed. Itā€™s all in the release notes I think. Search this thread. There should be discussions about it. But you will need to run v1, export your progress into a funscript and then open that in v3. If you donā€™t use installers and use the zip-files then you donā€™t need to uninstall and reinstall the older version. You just run it from the folder, but you might need to configure it regarding ffmpeg. Donā€™t remember. Too long ago.

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