OpenFunscripter - a scripting tool - 3.2.0 release

hmmmm i noticed this has not been actively maintained. is there a fork or something? the link in the main post goes to a public archive github. just curious.

heck i may try and learn c and c++ to continue the project for shits and giggles when im bored at work.

I mean, Iā€™m into it too and doing a bit of the same but this isnā€™t a basic project. Thereā€™s learning C++, and then learning C++ with tons of libraries and best practices and shit that is the reason no one has taken up the mantle yet. Not discouraging you, please have a go.

I mean ive been wanting to learn c and c++ for a while and once i get the basics of c/++ down ill play with itā€¦ I know ooo cause ive done java and python work/classes, and i need to move away from java due to licence changes.

Gotcha. C++ canā€™t hurt, I just caution that unless youā€™re a prodigy with a lot of free time, itā€™s going to be hard to get a handle on this project enough to right the buggy ship. Still, small, meaningful changes are important and welcome.

Oh i already figured that! I also have a decent amount if idle time at workā€¦ So ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

1 Like seems pretty good and commonly recommended for modern C++. Lots of other resources too, but itā€™s a huge space.

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Can this software also be used as a player, like I can connect my handy and just download scripts and videos and play them using this tool, or what else would you guys recommend otherwise?

OFS is not intended to be a player. Depending on if you have VR or 2D videos there are different player options.

Many use Scriptplayer for 2D and Heresphere for VR.
Other options for VR are Whirligig or DeoVR. The latter is integrated with the VR site SLR. However, there are more players, especially if you use multi axis devices.

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Or VLC + Multifunplayer also works fine for 2D.

Hey just updated my version from v2.something something to the latest and I just wanted to check if mirror mode was still implemented or was moved somewhere else as I usually use it but canā€™t find it under frame modeā€™s options anymore? (I do have two script tracks currently active)

Anyone have some tips on scripting fisheye videos. Sometimes, the angle/perspective is warped for certain parts of the scene

Donā€™t know what view mode you are using but fisheye is usually better in left or right pane mode, not VR mode since that tend to distort the image. VR mode is more for equirectangular or whatever the projection is called.

Yeah, I already tried the left/right pane which helped with the visual warping but that introduced another problem where Iā€™d have to guess the depth and because of the angle sometimes input points are not correct.

Watching the section with your VR headset can be of great help when that happens. That way you get a feeling for the troublesome section and you can get some reference points to use while scripting.

Hey there, Iā€™m just getting started with scripting and tried the recording mode which I like quite a bit. However getting used to frame by frame appears to be important too. Iā€™ve got one or two problems though and hope somebody can give me some tips.

The first issue is that if I go step by step using the arrow keys or the fast frame step (set to default 6 frames) OFS takes about 3 seconds before the scene ā€˜progressesā€™ / the view refreshes. So basically: Step / fast step ā†’ wait 3 seconds ā†’ Video view jumps the frame amount forward. This is quite time-consuming and apparently other people havenā€™t had this happen. Could this be a setting issue, or is my hardware just not quite up to the task? Iā€™ve got 32gb DDR4 RAM, RX 6700 XT with 12gb VRAM, Ryzen 7 3700X and am working on an SSD.

The second issue is the stepping itself, Iā€™ve read that setting points every frame would be too much for devices and thought the fast frame jump (6 frames) was to space them out a bit wider. Is that correct, or is frame by frame better? All assuming that it feels better to go frame by frame when there isnā€™t a 3-second waiting period between jumps.

Read/watch the scripting guides in the how-to section. You need to re-encode the video to solve your problem.


I had a couple of quick questions on LUA Extensions - hoping to get direction.

  1. From a LUA extension, can you access OFS native functions that are available in the GUI - i.e., Select => Mid points only, or Special functions => Simplify? Or do you have to code those areas yourself within the LUA? If so, is there a code snippet for the Mid Point selections?

  2. From a LUA extension, can you export and/or save the active funscript to a separate file with a specific naming convention - i.e., perform a File => Export => Export active script via code? Looking to automatically create separate funscripts after processing without manually navigating the GUI.


  1. Those are hardcoded in the editor code as far as i remember, youā€™d have to port them to a Lua script. Not personally aware whether that already exists though.
  2. You can achieve that by running regular Lua code using the Lua IO libraries. All that OFS does is it gives hooks to a few of its functions via API, but youā€™re free to use the rest of what Lua has to offer in your scripts.
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So, anyone found the solution for the app crashing?, tried installing older dlls, tried installing other versions, tried checking the log file, its empty :frowning: i just want to make some scripts :frowning:

edit: apparently i got it to work because i was having an issue with my gpu drivers