I would like to ask about OSR2+ All The Way. Is the equipment supplied with a table mount now, or do you need to buy 2 M6 bolts with a thickness of 60 mm plus the thickness of the table, 2 M6 nuts, 2 M6 wing nuts.
Does the device come fully assembled?
100% completely depends on the seller, I made my own so as such I had to source and 3d print all parts.
Ask the seller you plan to buy from.
If it’s yourhobbiescustomized.com how about you try reading the site and “Contact Us” page
Кто нибудь заказывал у продавца Mosaic. Нужно ли, что-то докупать ?
I would like to ask about OSR2+ All The Way. Is the equipment supplied with a table mount now, or do you need to buy 2 M6 bolts with a thickness of 60 mm plus the thickness of the table, 2 M6 nuts, 2 M6 wing nuts.
Does the device come fully assembled?
please read - use google translate if needed.
This is the OSR2 with all the bells and whistles. It has 4 axes to work with: Up/Down Roll Pitch and twist. Of course the twist receiver can bee set to spin continuously or based off of the main axis’ strokes.
T-Valve - Suction
Double walled Heated Mod Case
I-Lube - Lube with a button press (Lube can leak around the sleeve depending on the angle of the device and viscosity of the lube, this is okay, just wipe with a damp rag)
Fan lid to keep the servos cool
Edging Switch/Custom Power Bus to extend the life of the mainboard
Upgrades on this build will come with time and refinement. We appreciate your feedback and take it to heart.
This was designed by TempestMax Please support TempestMax on his Patreon. He is great about releasing new content regularly and improving upon his design based on our feedback.
All builds now come with a desk mount, a 6ft USB cord and appropriate power supply.
Desk mounts do not include hardware at this time. Please purchase 2x m6 bolts 60mm plus desk thickness, 2x m6 nuts, 2x m6 wingnuts.
All sales final, no exceptions. Exchanges with exceptions.
Shipping not available
Your order cannot be shipped to the selected address. Enter a different address.
Why is it not delivered to my address?
@M0SAIC - @Kuro_Ichigami has questions but I’m guessing Russian is their first language. can you ship to Russia?
June 14, 2023, 10:30pm
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