Paid and free scripts in one topic

I have already received several notifications from moderators that I am allegedly incorrectly tagging my topics. Example:

  1. Script with one axis for the first 6 months after publication is paid - the topic is in the category of paid scripts.
  2. A multi-axis script is added to the same topic - the topic is in the category of paid scripts, the tag “multi-axis” is added.
  3. After 6 months, the script is published for free, while the multi-axis script remains paid, the topic is moved to the category of free scripts with the tag “multi-axis”.

I don’t want to duplicate topics, separate single axis and multi-axis is a big confusion for users. I don’t want to remove the tag “multi-axis” - to limit the search of my topics by the tag. I don’t want to leave a topic in the paid scripts category with a published free script inside adding the tag “free script”, 6 scripts have this tag now - my work will be lost to the community.
Yes I agree that I am using some subterfuge and advertising myself in this way. Since recently I stopped publishing free multi-axis scripts and there will be no transition of topics with two (one axis and multi-axis) scripts into the free category. The situation pisses me off a bit - as moderators come and start to edit my tags at their own discretion. Let’s discuss and make a decision - to which I will comply.

You have your answer in your own post.

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I understand wanting a simple output and control over how your topics are presented.

However, this is a forum with rules that control the structure of topics you post and the moderators make sure those rules are maintained.

The discussion is of course good to have to make sure the rules as they are make sense, in case the site admin can be convinced to update.

In my opinion, those who make “duplicate” topics to split free and paid parts of a project come off quite professional and I appreciate that structure more.


Consider users that want to filter for free muilt-axis scripts. They will get your posts in their results even if the multi-axis part isn’t free.

I understand your point and frustration with the tag/category system, but Discourse is a forum based on that and it’s not designed to be a marketplace. So maybe the solution must be two posts from the beginning, one for single-axis and one for multi-axis (with links between them). When the single-axis becomes free you can change category for the single-axis post and multi-axis remains in paid. Even if it’s a little more work for you it’s more “consumer friendly” and the tag filters will work as they should.


Well, let’s make it two topics.

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