“Adjust Point” seems invisible when you set the points? What about putting a bookmark when a point has been chosen? Message when adjustment has been done possible? I feel quite blind in this extension and don’t see when something is happening.
Besides waiting for help on the Timing macro/adjust point I have another idea. As minmax makes the script monotone buts its the only way to level the script with camera movements without extreme work and its all about the endpoints, it would be nice to go through the top points and low points only to correct each height quickly. This would need a key though you can set like T for top and L for low or so. This way you could skip through the tops and adjust their height with arrow up down quickly. Same with the lows.
No, it is not the same. The closest point moves to the cursor, and the end points of the selection do not move. The points in between move a little when close to the end of the selection, and move more when closer to the cursor. Like if they are on a rubber band that is being stretched.
Great and how do I use the timing macro? Its the only macro of yours I dont get.
Use of “Timing” extension:
This extension works on the whole script, only if one or two points are selected, to move or stretch the script
One point selected:
- Select one point using the mouse
- Using left add right arrow keys, move the cursor to the correct point in the video
- Click “Adjust point”
The whole script moves so the selected point is at the right time.
Two points selected
- Select the first point like above
- Select a second point while holding the “control” key; then the first point also remains selected.
- Using the left/right arrow keys move the cursor to the right point in the video
- Click “Adjust point”
Now the closest selected point moves to the cursor, setting that to the correct time in the video. The other selected point stays in place (that was already set correctly before).
All unselected points get stretched out proportionally hopefully placing those also at the correct point in time.
This corrects a time shift between the script and the video.
This will correct a sync error that increases or decreases towards the end of the script.
Ah yes OK now its clear, its rubber banding the script into one direction if two points are chosen. Yes this should stretch or compress a script if an upscale did the same to the movie.
What about this one? I find myself correcting each low point as you move it when you add the pattern.
Yes, that should also be possible. I can maybe look into that later this week.
I have a hard time marking the range of dots correctly outcome often looks like this:
Any chance you can exclude points that cause this? In this particular case I can not find the points I need to mark so it works.
Edit: ah you need to mark also before the thing you want top repeat. Then it works fine.
It uses the first point of the selection range as a reference. Then it scans the points before this point until it finds a point with exactly the same position. All the points in between these two points are copied. So, you should place the first point of the selection range at for instance 90, making sure it is a peak, then go to the first point of the pattern that should be copied and place that at 90 also. Then press “repeat pattern”.
I updated the lua postprocessing extension with “repeat 1” (same as before, discarding the bottom points) and “repeat 2” which copies the pattern, but keeps the bottom points (both time an position remain the same).
Also added “Center at” which changes the time of the selected points to be exactly in the middle of its neighbours.
Just replace the “main.lua” file in MTFG with the new one (same mega location as above)
Initial selection
After “Repeat 1”:
Initial selection:
After “Repeat 2” :
Awesome, thank you! As the biggest fan of your tool I have another idea or feature request. Its quite some work to adjust too fast segments if motion is faster than the set max speed (violet). you go to each point and press arrow until the violet vanishes and gets red. It would be great if you could adjust the marked bottoms or peaks to be just below the speed the device can handle.
Correcting this manually is a nightmare:
For the repeat I ment horizontally. I had the impression the bottom point is horizontally moved. Was that not the case when a pattern is copied? I guess I was wrong. Still Repeat 2 is very useful and a great idea.
In the original “repeat pattern” the bottom point is removed, and the gap between the top points is filled with the pattern. The new bottom point depends on where the bottom point in the pattern is, so it can look like the bottom point is moving.
Like moving the top pointd down and bottom points up until you are just below the speed limit?
Yes exactly that would be great, mostly its the lower points but can be the upper too. but its always just the lower or just the upper ones. It is really adapting to a speed the device can not follow.
But just upper or lower points, not both.
You could just script the endpoints and use your macro.
A button then that only works on the selected points (upper or lower or both) and moves the points that cause a speed violation towards the center?
That would be easy enough to add.
Yes that would be fine. Just did not know if everyone has the select peaks addon, if it is an addon I dont remember. I will leave the excessive speeds as they are and wait for your macro to correct this really fast.
I am getting this error now for continue minmax
I dont see anything special, should work.
The error is caused if there are no points beyond the selection. It is fixed in the latest version.
Implemented speed limiting in the latest version.
Works only when either top or bottom points are selected, but not both.
Selected points have their position changed until the speed is always lower than the limit. Timing is not changed.
How to use:
Select top points:
Click “Lim”:
Or select bottom points
Click “Lim”