I’m trying to get MultiFunPlayer to work on my Windows laptop. I downloaded the zip file and extracted it. Then double clicked on MultiFunPlayer.exe. I get this message
So then I downloaded the Runtime 6.0.1 and installed it. Then re-started. Then clicked on MultifFunPlayer.exe again. Got the same error.
“To run this application, you must install .Net Desktiop Runtime 6.0.1 (x64). Would you like to download it now?”
What do I need to do to get past this stupid message and get MultiFunPlayer working?
OK. Figured that one out. I was installing the x86 version of runtime. when I installed the x64 version it got past that 1st error message. Now I am stuck at this one. And the link to download just puts me right back at the Net Runtime download, it says nothing about missing frameworks for .Net.