Quest 3 delivered. Can't be better time to get into VR porn

Quest 3 is released and being shipped. And it’s just awesome :fire: :fire: :fire:
Greatly improved Passthrough with a stereo color cameras gets the action right into your living room. Great ergonomics. I’ve put together some more detailed review Meta Quest 3 VR porn.

SLR app and scripts are fully compatible right away :fire:
Quest 3 every aspect VR porn discussion topic


People do not really talk about VR headsets on here. For most people it has been Quest 2 cause of the price point and after having had some hands on myself with the Quest 3 it will be the same case with that one. Quest Pro is already dead FYI so dont recommend that.

Also release is October 10th


They better release an elite strap without battery because 150 euro is a bit pricey.

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Totally hate the idea of batter as well

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Realistically the price of the quest pro is prohibative for a lot of people. The improved passthough does seem interesting though. Tried a few of the earlier passthrough vids on SLR and the black and white background kinds ruined it for me.

In regards to the strap, hopefully the one i have for my quest two is compatible but even if its not the third party versions will be out within a week of release.

The color cameras dont make it much better. It’s still low res and weird. People who are counting on this to make PT mainstream are going to be very disappointed.


Love my Quest 2 for this, so I’m curious if the upgrade will be worth it. Especially considering the additional cost for addons needed for the 2 (charging dock, 3rd party headstrap, vented face shield/light blocker, headphones, controller grips, etc.)

The Quest 2 elite strap was 40 euro. It’s an excellent strap but I read somewhere that the bill of materials was like 3 euro.

The Quest 3 elite strap without battery costs 80 euro! If Bobovr comes out with a decently priced M3 headstrap they are going to profit a lot from this greedy behaviour.

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Looks like passthrough is a killer feature on Quest 3

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Well i’ve preordered so i should get mine next week. I’ll put a quick review up afterwards. Will you need to update your app to get it to work with the new headset or should it be good to go day one?


Yeah I can actually read my smartphone when wearing Quest 3 with passthrough which is super nice. Lenses and sweet spots are way way improved too.

Should be good to go right away :+1:

The company behind it also is. Meta is a company that has shown to care even less about privacy than google. For such companies i rather avoid relating them to porn preferences (or basicly anything at all, except due to whatsapp thats not a realistic option).

That the price is lower than other vr headsets is most likely an indication that your privacy information will be used (nothing is free). Unless the specs are significantly worse than gaming headsets, and keep in mind that time usualy allows companies to catch up.

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No kidding, it’s a banger.

Can’t be better time to get into VR

We see all time maximum connections today with the first day of people getting their Quests 3.


My quest 2 elite strap cracked into pieces and was a useless piece of junk.

Get the bobovr M3 or S3 as headstrap and Heresphere as player. You wont regret any of those.