Random Video Player v1.57 (Can sync with MFP and ScriptPlayer)

I didn’t know of this option in ScriptPlayer but if ScriptPlayer skips the gap at the beginning and then the video is played for the duration RVP has randomly chosen - that would be the solution I was looking for and no need for the option in RVP. I’ll check it out. Thx.

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I’m noticing the script subdirectory search only goes one level down. Is it possible to make it a complete depth search or to give the user the option to specify the depth of search? (Understanding the performance implications of course)

Otherwise it’s looking great right now and also liking the script graph preview ^^ It’s actually great for my hismith-converted scripts where i can easily tell where the sequences with higher machine power percentage are.

Oh and one more feature request maybe, is it possible to give users the option to change the player window accent color? Either to the system accent color or a custom user color?

  1. Connect to Intiface Central - CONNECT VIA BLUETOOTH
  2. Start RandomVideoPlayer
  3. Start MultiFunPlayer, CONNECT TO MPC-HC & BUTTPLUG.IO (Set Handy to PolledUpdate)

It works flawless and Handy connects to every Script instantaneously

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Unfortunately the “auto-skip gaps” option in ScriptPlayer doesn’t work as I was hoping.
I tried it with different settings but it seems to only skip the gap at the beginning when “local” is chosen as video player in ScriptPlayer. If I choose “MPC-HC” - which is needed for sync to work in RVP - it doesn’t skip the gap.
So an option to auto-skip the gap or for a random starting point in RVP would be appreciated

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Thanks for your updates! Is it possible to allow changes to the fade duration? I would like to experiment with fast fade transitions (by the frames or 0.XX seconds if frames is not possible).

Found a couple bugs:

  • Simply enabling the fade effect with mixed images and video, the video stays faded out.

  • After having the enabling the kens burns effect and disabling it with the fade effect enabled, the fade out effect stays on and does not reset itself. I have to restart RVP or re-enable the kens burn effect to get anything to show up again.

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My RVP gets stuck on Not Responding forever everytime I try to pick my list, so I can’t really use it anymore. Not sure what to do.

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Can you tell me exactly when? Is it when you click on the “listbrowser” icon or when you load list or when you try to use a list?

Is there an “error.log” in RVPs folder? / What does it say?

If anything, what you can try is:

  • Try running RVP as administrator
  • Delete “RVP-Config.json” in RVP folder
  • Download the latest full package again and delete all old files

But yeah, I’d like to know what would cause this. No error is sus. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Deleting RVP-Config.json worked.

Not sure why access was suddenly revoked.

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@Watcher000000 It says “Access to path is denied”
That means that u need to change the “Read and write permission” to Documents and Settings and fillfolderlist.

Try to create an Folder in RVP with your Custom Playlist in it. And set the Playlist path to that folder.

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So it worked before? That’s weird yes. But I’m glad we figured it out :slight_smile:

I will check, why it would freeze though instead of giving a useful error

Yeah, it would be after I clicked on start list.

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This looks really cool. Would it be possible to use this with MFP and Heresphere? I’m sure the answer is no, but could it even be a future possibility?

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could you add a randomly generated script that plays when viewing images, or is that too hard to implement?

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will it work with xtp?

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I’m not familiar with Heresphere, but I don’t think it’s possible.

@WhatGetOffPornhub3 Technically there would be a way, but I don’t think I can do it in a feasable way.

@Deathless I had to look up what that is and I don’t think so.

Also sorry for the lack of updates. I’m a bit time starved at the moment <3

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Got something that might be wrong…
Sometimes when launching the program and loading a path, the custom script directory (fails) and it doesn’t even say “no custom scripts”. Not sure if this is known, or if it’s a me issue, but thought I’d tell you in case it wasn’t.

Edit: Got something else that deals with the same problem. When going to the previous video, sometimes the current video (before going to the previous) stays and the script doesnt load.

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@Peanutccino Tried to save a Playlist getting this ERROR Message:



Thanks for letting me know, propably some logic not getting loaded, will look into that!

@DarkkSkull Interesting, seems like it has an issue with one or more characters either in the name of the list or of some of it’s contents. I should be able to fix this by specifying the encoding manually.

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New release v1.53!

New features:

  • MoveList function now includes an option to also move local .funscripts with the file or straight to a chosen script directory
  • Option to automatically skip gaps in funscripts

Bug fixes:

  • Script directories not searching deeper than one layer for subdirectories
  • Fade effect not reseting when videos are played after an image
  • Fade effect not reseting when effect is disabled
  • Potential encoder error when saving lists (hopefully)
  • Scripts not loading when using “previous video”

As always, update via Settings => About and search for new updates or head to github releases and download the latest version.

Auto Skip gaps

RVP can now automatically skip gaps in a script when playing videos.

The script graph needs to be enabled to do that, as it’s tied to the actualy funscript loading in RVP. Enabling auto skip therefore does also enable the graph.

Move List with funscripts

When using the “Move list” function from the listbrowser, you can now choose to move corresponding funscripts with it.

Note: This only affects .funscripts next to the actualy video file

You can choose to either move the .funscripts with the video file directly


move the .funscripts directly to one of your selected script directories.



Thank you so much for bringing us another new round of fixes and new features! <3 This is getting quite good, the fix for searching subdirectories for scripts is now working great and i’m not able to break it anymore, no matter how i try to initialize a video playback :smiley:

Though as i’ve started using it, I noticed a couple things regarding input accessibility that could be improved, but this is mostly tied to how i’m organizing my own setup so feel free to focus on higher/more general priorities if this is too complex for now.

I plan to use this on a touchscreen when toying since it’s easier to control (and clean up) while using a fuck machine hehe. For now i’ve been using my tablet as a wireless display for my desktop, but I’m planning to get a touchscreen laptop in the future. I think there are improvements that could really help when using this via touch displays:

  • I often miss-tap the video player viewport instead of the seekbar below, since the seekbar height/activation area is quite small for fingers, particularly for clumsy fingers while toying xD. An option to increase the height of the seekbar, both in windowed and fullscreen modes, would make this much easier while also improving the visibility of the script graph.
  • when using touch inputs in fullscreen, the option to pause the video by clicking/tapping on it is pretty much mandatory lol, however i would make it so the first tap first brings up the bottom bar display and the second tap pauses.

Also unrelated but something i noticed, when toggling fullscreen and back to windowed, the program doesn’t remember if the window had been maximized prior to fullscreening.

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