Random Video Player v1.57 (Can sync with MFP and ScriptPlayer)

Some good ideas, will think about it!


Yes, this is actually by design or rather the only solution Iā€™ve found to deal with another bug regarding the exclusive mode and windows being itself.

Oh? which bug is that?

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When RVP was in windows maximized state and then toggled to exclusive mode, it wouldnā€™t render it above the taskbar. It works fine tho from windowed state to exclusive.

Anyways, I couldnā€™t fix it and changed the toggle so it switches to windowed state before going into exclusive fullscreen and just let it be as is :smiling_face_with_tear:

This change was made in 1.48

Ah, understandable, such is the way with some bugs :stuck_out_tongue: hoping eventually you find th solution to it ^^

Also one other thing, I went into the shortcut key menu to see what the controls look like, and noticed that i cannot assign more than one input as ā€œNoneā€ (no shortcut enabled). It will prompt me to select another one as None is taken.

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Got a bug. When trying to switch scripts for the video (the script tab), it adds the checkmark, but doesnt change

Edit: Nvmd, it only happens if you play a video from a single directory on loop. Auto skpi also doesnt like that either

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is there any way to make rvp pause until the script loads ?

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Hey, great question!

Unfortunately not really as syncing is a one way process, meaning RVP will simply tell the actual controling software whatā€™s playing. Technically ScriptPlayer can control RVP via commands and in fact does so, though Iā€™m not sure whether it does what youā€™re asking for.

not sure if youā€™re able to fix thisā€¦ but the window doesnā€™t seem to Fullscreen properly with 4k monitor.

What it looks like.

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it might be due windows dpi scaling. Can you try enabling this (Right-click RandomVideoPlayer.exe => properties):


No, that doesnt seem to do anythingā€¦

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Thanks for the updates. I got some bugs to report:

  • The non fade option has the pull back in original position effect that does not happen with the fade option.

  • The fade option with the pan and tilt effect has smooth fade transition but for some reason the zoom effect studders a bit (not smooth).

  • Disabling the Kens Burn effect while the fade is in effect (meaning at the moment the settings are saved and RVP is in the middle of the fade transition) does not reset the opacity to 100%

  • The Play/Pause on left mouse click option is a hit and miss when images are playing.

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Got a bug. When trying to switch scripts for the video (the script tab), it adds the checkmark, but doesnt change
Edit: Nvmd, it only happens if you play a video from a single directory on loop. Auto skpi also doesnt like that either

Is script graph enabled and does it show the graph in the players progress bar?
Are you using script directories?
How exactly are you starting to play the video?

And you are on the latest version (1.53) right? :smiley:

I canā€™t reproduce the issue unfortunately


The non fade option has the pull back in original position effect that does not happen with the fade option.

I do the pull back animation mainly because the animation looks super choppy otherwise, as I have to reset the coordinates at some point which looks better when doing that with an animation.

With the fade to black thingy, Iā€™m not doing the animation but instead hard reset the position while the opacity is at 0% because you canā€™t see it anyways.

The fade option with the pan and tilt effect has smooth fade transition but for some reason the zoom effect studders a bit (not smooth).

Ya I know. With more zoom strength/shorter animation time it looks better. Unfortunately itā€™s just the way mpv does it. I tried countless methods and the current one is the best so far.

Disabling the Kens Burn effect while the fade is in effect (meaning at the moment the settings are saved and RVP is in the middle of the fade transition) does not reset the opacity to 100%

Hm, I canā€™t reproduce this. It should always reset the play queue when chaning/saving settings

The Play/Pause on left mouse click option is a hit and miss when images are playing.

True, I try to improve on it. But the onclick Play/Pause is a bit sketchy in general :smiling_face_with_tear:

Thanks for all the feedback <3

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Funnily enough, I cant seem to reproduce it either :sweat_smile:
Welp, If I do encounter it again, Iā€™ll let you know HOW to get the bug to happen.

Also, I have found a bug.
Iā€™ve got a folder, script(s) and video inside, and two of the same script is displayed.

I think it has something to do with the custom script directories.
Have ā€˜localā€™ and my custom directory set in the csd box. So it might be looking for the same script twice. Though, when I remove my custom directory, if the selected video has more than one script, it doesnā€™t load.

Link to a short video showing the bug

Hope this helps, and let me know if you need anything else clarified!

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This looks amazing. I definitely love this idea. Any chance someoneā€™s willing to put together a video tutorial for set up and use of features for newbies like myself? It would be awesome to showcase the features of the app!

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I think I found another minor bug with loading funscripts. When playing a video that has more than one funscript located in the local directory relative to the video, the script loader wonā€™t recognize scripts that are not named exactly as the video.

For instance, using my tried and true formula of having two scripts: <video_name>.funscript

It will only detect the first one. If i remove that one and leave only the latter, it wonā€™t detect any script locally. However, RVP will find both scripts just fine when they are located in a separate folder which I marked for it to search within. I assume itā€™s because the fuzzy name matching is only done for non-local directories.

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Previously the program didnā€™t look like this in exclusive fullscreen. It isnā€™t supposed to look like this, right? Isnā€™t there supposed to be a ā€œpop-upā€ bar whenever I move my mouse down there? Got any fix?

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Amazing work here. When I started looking around for such a video player I should have figured that someone on here had already done it.

Thereā€™s only one thing that Iā€™m looking for that I donā€™t think this can do (unless Iā€™ve missed it)ā€¦ start the next random video at a random timestamp within that video. With lots of hour-long videos it would be great if it could jump to a random spot partway through each video. This way even going through the same playlist multiple times it would be different every time.


Great idea.

Settings like: Jump to next video in Playlist every

120 seconds
3 minutes
5 minutes
and so on


What youā€™re describing already exists in the settings (and is a great feature).

What Iā€™m wanting is for it to jump ahead in the next video to a random timestamp within that video. So when it starts the next video it starts playing it at the 20 minute mark or the 50 minute mark.


@Peanutccino would you be open to having a patreon so that people could donate to help you continue to support this awesome tool?