Random Video Player v1.57 (Can sync with MFP and ScriptPlayer)

New release v1.56!

New features:

  • Save preferred Multi-Axis script

UI tweaks:

  • “anabled” => “enabled”

Bug fixes:

  • Visual bug when loading preferred script
  • List Add/Remove not updating when loading list


  • Seeking via mouse scrollwheel is now buffered thus feels smoother

Smol update. Mainly saving Multi-Axis scripts is now included while fixing the visual bug from before.


Neue Bitmap

I set it up like this

Hm, the settings don’t matter too much for VSR. Some people have the issue, that the driver doesn’t report VSR active although it is. You could check that in task manager under gpu performance. If it’s unusually high when playing a video, it’s propably active.


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IS there a chance you’ll fix the fullscreen bug? Depending on what size you have, I’m not sure if its happening to you or not. I have 4k, and when I go into the fullscreen this shows up.


I have used RVP on both big and small screens and I get this issue on all of them


@WhatGetOffPornhub3 @DJKong If you’re using Nvidia GPU.

Set it to Override.

And try setting it to Aspect ratio or Full screen.

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I gave it a shot but it didn’t seem to change anything


Hmmm strange

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Did you try to set the dpi scaling => https://discourse-s3-cdn.eroscripts.com/uploads/original/4X/2/b/1/2b18cca0448ca4b1ab4269a308ccb00c339c6c5b.png

Yes, didnt work

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Hm, after trying out some stuff I found that this works reliable for me:


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Yay, that worked! Thanks!

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Oh great! I’m glad to hear that.

Would be awesome if @DJKong could also try this out.

If it works for both of you, I might put that into a faq or something.

I’m still trying to implement it directly into the application.


nice! this has worked for me aswell!

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Yooo that worked! :fire:

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New release v1.57!

UI tweaks:

  • Interface settings now have a new Drag&Drop feature to rearrange RVP buttons and toggle visibility
  • Right click Copy/Move file to, to directly change destination directory
  • Implemented custom DPI scaling
  • Moved experimental “Ken burns effect” to it’s own tab


  • Tweaked progress seeking buffer
  • Some code refactoring

Additional Notes:

  • You can toggle mpv statistics with ctrl+j

It took a lot of work, but I’ve implemented a manual UI scaling based on DPI. The previous solutions were pretty bad, either the UI is messed up or with the compatibility settings, it lowers the resolution of the UI and the player. My own approach tries to solve this. Please let me know if you find any bugs :slight_smile:

@DJKong @Microwave @WhatGetOffPornhub3

I’d love to hear from you. To test it, please update to 1.57 (Either through GitHub manually, or via RVP about page directly) and remove the compatibility settings from the properties.


Works like a charm and faster too! Thanks for all your work :grin:

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Cant untick “Automatic next after timer” since v1.57

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Yikes, I know why. Good catch! I will fix that later. It can still be toggled via the main ui button, so it should work for now.

So the fullscreen works great except for one thing. The text is paaainfully small for me (4k monitor), is there any way you can fix this?