Random Video Player v1.57 (Can sync with MFP and ScriptPlayer)

I think about it. Implementation would be easy, but I want to avoid more UI clutter.


Thanks for your bug report! I’ve already fixed the algorithm and it will be pushed with the next update. I try to do it until the end of this month!

And no, I don’t plan to put up a patreon or similar. I’d never do this for money, even if it’s just donations :slight_smile: It’s mainly a project that started very small due my failed search for a player that does the simple task of playing random videos conveniently. The project grew a lot due all the great ideas and feedback from the community and in the end to my benefit as well. I think that is more than enough pay. Also I’m not really a programmer, I have to do a lot of trial and error and bugs occur. Though I learned a lot from this!

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That’s all fair, and i’m glad to see people just making things for the sake of making things :} though honestly what you have here is very golden imo. In the past i also wanted to try to make my own random gallery app solely because i noticed there wasn’t really anything like what i wanted until i saw this app. Like I’m really happy that it exists now and honestly i may even contribute to it in the future, though i’m not that experienced with C# as i am with python or C++. It’s an extremely valuable piece of software and the improvements you’ve made definitely emphasize that!

And also thanks for always addressing the community feedback and bug reports!

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New release v1.54!

New features:

  • Button to play from current folder
  • Touch Mode first iteration
  • Option to start videos from a random startpoint

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented scripts from showing up under certain circumstances

Additional Notes:

As always, update directly via settings => about or on the github page.

New button to play from current folder

Say you have a big collection and sorted everything in different folders etc. No problem with RVP but say you stumble upon a certain artist and you feel like it, with this simple button you can switch the play queue to play from the current files directory.

A little add-on I wanted to include.


Experimental touch mode

With this simple button (Can be toggled on/off within settings=>interface) you can switch to an experimental touch mode, trying to give a better experience when using RVP on a touch screen device.

What it does:

  • Enable exclusive fullscreen
  • Disable click to play/pause and double click to switch fullscreen mode
  • Enable click on player to toggle navigation menu on/off
  • Increase the size of the progressbar for easier navigation

Press the touch button again to revert.

I have some more ideas for this, but it needs more thinking from my side.


Start playing from a random starting point

This can be enabled in settings => auto skip

When enabled, a video starts randomly from anywhere between 0-90% of a videos full duration.


First off, great work! I’ve been wanting something like this for a while. Had no idea it was already out there!

Is there a way to choose multiple folders that can be selected from? I have different folders across 5 different drives lol.

Also it would be nice to have a way to input keywords such as “PMV” so that the video title needs to include PMV to be played. I know I can create a list but it would still be convenient.

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Amazingly quick update, this is perfect now, thanks so much! My porn collection is so much more fun to randomly peruse now.

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Not directly,

playing from a folder only includes all directories from within.

You could use the custom list function tho. Say you have a top folder on each drive that contains all files, you could simply open the list browser, click on each topmost folder and add it to the list (You can also simply drag and drop folders there).

Then you can play from that list.

Lists can also be saved and loaded etc.

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@Peanutccino Noticed when u use “Skip gap on video start” + “Enable random video startpoint”.
“random video startpoint” works ONLY on Scripts that DONT have an GAP at the beginning.

Also the function “Enable random video startpoint” is NOT turning off or on in the settings when u press the button “Auto skip gaps in funscript” on the UI.

So u need to go in the settings everytime u want to use the “Enable random video startpoint” function.

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works ONLY on Scripts that DONT have an GAP at the beginning.

Hm, actually that’s how the method was intended to work. The idea was, that it shouldn’t interfere with the gap skips of script videos and only work on non script videos.

Which leads me to

Also the function “Enable random video startpoint” is NOT turning off or on in the settings when u press the button “Auto skip gaps in funscript” on the UI.

Which was also intended, since the random start actually has nothing to do with the skip function in general, but I felt like that settings tab was quite fitting.

But actually, now that I think of it, I guess my though process was not very thorough.

I don’t feel like binding it to the skip button, but I don’t know if it really needs a dedicated ui button.

But it would make sense imo, if it at least incorporates the Skip gap on start setting. I could use a random range from the actual script start - 90% instead of the 0-90% for that.

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Pretty useless to me then since i only use RVP with scripted videos :skull:
I never tried RVP with videos without a Script. yet…

The new “enable Random video startpoint” function is fucking amazing when u combine it with “automatic next after timer (enable random time range)” pretty sick for Gooning & Hypno vids :heart_eyes: :skull:

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Nice! Now the script detection is working for local funscripts with different suffixes! However I believe the script graph was not updated for this, because it won’t display them. If a local script with identical name is already present though, it will render that one, but upon switching to a fuzzy match the visualization won’t change. That’s about as much correlation as I can find though. May be worth checking it more thoroughly.
Edit: it also seems to occur when I remove the local path from the detection options, but the video is located within one of the chosen non-local (sub)directories and has its own local scripts. So yeah definitely something regarding this.

Oh and also as another feature request. Right now the player always defaults to loading the script with identical name, or the first detected script otherwise. But I wonder if it’s possible to set a default script (or scripts for in case of multi-axis) to be loaded per video, and only if a selection doesn’t exist, to fallback on the other two rules.

This could be done for both saved playlists and other videos selected at runtime. In the case of playlists, you already store a playlist txt file, it may be worth it to turn that into a json file so you can also store metainfo next to each filepath in the playlist. And for videos selected at runtime you could have an internal cache doing the same thing.

This would finally enable me to use it properly with fuck machine scripts while also storing the original versions of the scripts (or other variations alongside it).

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Hmm, yeah I noticed some issue where it refuses to update the graph under some circumstance, but somehow couldn’t reproduce it. Now I tried some stuff and could reproduce it, but atm not sure why it behaves like this :smiley: Will look into it.

For the other part, it actually doesn’t use the first detected script per se, but rather based on the directory priority. You can click on each entry and change it’s priority through these arrows:


In this case, the first detected matching script within “G:\Videos\RVPShowcase\HiSmith Scripts” will be used by default (if found).


Makes sense. My current solution simply adds an option to ignore random start on scripts. So if you want it to be active everytime, simply keep that option disabled. But you still have the option to use it on non scripts only.

It also use the start gap of script videos as a baseline, so it doesn’t randomly start in an empty area.

I think this should work out?

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For the other part, it actually doesn’t use the first detected script per se, but rather based on the directory priority.

Ah, that makes sense indeed. However, I still think it would be worth it to make it possible to choose a preferred script like i mentioned. I may have multiple variations of hismith scripts for a video for example, some that make it a smoother/easier experience and some that try to produce more accurate thrust patterns. So if I have multiple scripts for a video i’d still want to set a favorite in that sense, and have it be remembered so that i don’t have to change the script in the selection menu every time it plays that video.

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No worries all good!

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New release v1.55!

New features:

  • Enabled RTX VSR support
  • Option for the random startpoint method to ignore scriptvideos
  • Random startpoint method acknowledges script start
  • Save preferred script for a video (No multiaxis yet)

UI tweaks:

  • Combined list add/remove into one button/function
  • Add/Remove button now has a visual indicator
  • Rearranged some settings

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented script from loading when a local script was available


  • Updated libmpv to latest version

Additional Notes:

The new list add/delete buttons shortcut will come into effect after restoring default hotkeys

As always, grab the latest release from my github page or update directly within RVP via Settings => About.


It was added recently to the mpv stack and I had to tinker a bit, let me know if there are any problems.

If you have an Nvidia RTX gpu (RTX 20-series or newer) you can enable this feature via the Nvidia control panel or the new Nvidia app. See Nvidia faq for details.

After it’s turned on in the Nvidia driver, enable it in the settings to make use of it:

What it does in short (From their faq):

RTX Video Super Resolution is a video upscaling technology that uses AI and RTX Tensor Cores to improve the quality of video by removing blocky compression artifacts and upscaling video resolution. This improves video sharpness and clarity

It’s effect can be hit or miss, overall I think it improves image quality though with a computing cost on the gpu.

Here are some comparison screenshots I did (With 2x-2.5x zoom):

Save preferred script

You can now save the current selected script of a video to be preferred.

For now only the main script is support, I will add Multi-axis later with some ironing of the method. The groundwork is done though.

A new file will be created in the location of your list folder, that will store the preferences.


Random startpoint update

It will now work with script and nonscript videos, but includes an option to ignore the function on script videos all together.

If you use the skip start gap function in combination with random startpoint, it will start randomly start between the first script action and 80% of the videos length.


OMG this is perfect now! You fixed the issue i pointed out and also added the option to mark scripts as preferred! Thank you so much! <3

I tried it a bit to see if i can break it but it’s all been working well so far! The only thing i can notice is a visual bug where, after i selected a preferred script for a video, it shows almost all scripts as selected in the app, even though the actual loading behavior seems correct. It’s probably just a small GUI fix though, not that big a deal.

Here’s a visual example where i have the second script selected and set as preferred but all the others appear selected also.

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Ah yes, strange oversight by myself. I have already found the culprint. Yes it’s visual only! Thanks for the feedback.

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Anabled :laughing:

Awesome update thx alot!!

RTX works in RVP but doesn’t work in VLC & MPC anyone knows why? NVIDIA driver tells me inactive

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Hm, I don’t use VLC but afaik it should be working on the latest version.

As for MPC, it doesn’t work out of the box. You need a plugin for that, specifically the amazing VideoRenderer plugin from Aleksoid1978: GitHub - Aleksoid1978/VideoRenderer: Внешний видео-рендерер

Works like a charm. It also enables RTX AutoHDR. While mpv technically added support for this to their stack, many people have had difficulty getting it to work, including myself. Seems like they’re missing something.

Mpv does have an inbuilt SDR to HDR conversion tool, which isn’t any bad. Though not sure how many users are actually interested in that.

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Cant get it to work with MPC-BE.

Downloaded the Plugin.
Overwrote the “MpcVideoRenderer64.ax” with the one from Aleksoid1978.
Enabled RTX Video HDR and set the (Request Super Resolution) to “for <1080p”.
My Monitor is 1920x1080 native.

NVIDIA still tells me Inactive when using MPC-BE

Jusr for reference, it’s active here?

For me it also only works in fullscreen mode, but it really only looks for the rendered resolution compared to the output resolution. So for example if you play a 1080p video on a 1080p output resolution I’m not sure it will do anything. But playing a 720p video on a 1080p ouput will upscale.

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