[RJ01223192]Moko’s AI onasapo Premier (Game Intergration)

[RJ01223192]Moko’s AI onasapo Premier

Get the game ELSEWHERE, not providing the game source here. Get one by yourself. If possible, purchase one, just for supporting the game creator.

How to use the mod:
1.download the zip file from here [AIONASAPO_PREMIER_MOD_v1]

2.unzip the file and u get this 3

3.copy the file ‘AI.tpatch’ to the game root folder (where the ‘AIpremier.exe’ at)

4.start the game by double clicking the ‘AIpremier.exe’

5.the patch will be installed automaticly, after finished, the file ‘AI.tpatch’ will
disappear and you will be asked to restart the game

6.double click the ‘Funscript Player.exe’

7.turn on your toy (the handy or something) and switch to bluetooth mode
8.The funscriptplayer will scan the toys and connect to it

9.after connected, start the game (patch must be installed) and enjoy!

1.All of the scripts were generated by Python Code. Some of them may not be accurate. If you are willing to solve it, send me the solved scripts and I will put it into the next update.
2.Game play was not fully tested, if something goes wrong, send me the issue and I will try to fix it.


Could there be a way to get this to work with MultiFunPlayer, because I am running into issues with FunscriptPlayer.

Problem video

When the game is played automatically or using the mouse double click to fast forward, there is a probability that, as shown in the video, it will not read the script correctly. This question usually appears at 【おちんちん検査 (03/07)】 and 【オナサポ本番 (07/11)】.

I have a problem when I finished apply the tpatch file my app.asar from the resources turn into 1KB file and I can’t run the game
edit : nvm I just tried change it to other drive and it work now

Thanks to the author’s work, the script works for the most part.
In addition to encountering manual clicks to skip the conversation, scripts may not be read correctly.
The [9-] part of the game, because the game will only countdown by voice without ‘xikoxiko’ bgm, so no scripts will be executed here.
Is it possible to make a separate script for the 9-
section for the countdown dialogue?

i had the same question could you tell me how to fix it?

Make sure your game folder doesn’t have any Symbols and special character in the file path like brackets or “-” dash

i had the same question :rofl:

When failing during the penis analysis a 10 minute punishment session plays. No script seems to trigger here, i repeated it a few times.