RoL - Deedlit in Wonder Labyrnith

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I bought myself a Hismith about a year ago after decimating multiple theHandy devices. RIP.

Once i bought the smart controller add-on i started playing with xtoys and custom patterns.

While browsing available scripts i found one that will link my gamepad haptics to thrust intensity.
As well as one that links L2/R2 pressure to toy speed. So fun. This game doesnt use L2/R2


I play a lot of platformers. This game plays similarly to Symphony of the Night and other Metroidvanias.


The mechanics of the game keep the controller vibrating a LOT. Any attack, hit, spell, fall, boss finale, even swapping atk type causes vibrations.

PS the intensity of vibration also depends how full your spirit meter is 1-low, 2-mid, 3-high


If i can figure out how to add vibration to other games (FlipWitch) through modding, this feature will rock.

CONS: short storyline

Xtoys link:

Vibration feedback script

L2/R2 pressure script

Record of Lodoss: Record of Lodoss War-Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth- on Steam


Uh I’m a bit confused, as you haven’t linked any mods, scripts or the game itself.

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They arent the same scripts used for toys with 0-100 position like theHandy or OSR

This would work for vibrating toys or simple thrusting machines like hismith

I can post a walk through if that helps

Ah I understand now.

Any suggestions for games with lots of vibrations?


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