So I’ve been through a few posts on here looking at what you are all using to create your scripts, but it seems it’s all for scripting Handy like devices for video.
I am trying to create haptic (vibration) files for audio. So when listening to the audio hypnosis file you get to “feel” the action described. It’s done really well on - and the scripts are incredible. If you have a vibration type device I would suggest you check out Control Room Inside Your Mind - it’s a masterclass in haptic scripting!
Anyway, how would I create a script for this? I know .funscript files support it as all the Shibby ones are funscripts json - e.g. {“at”:406891,“pos”:36},{“at”:407604,“pos”:15}.
Interesting part about that is the “position” here relates to strength of vibration. So maybe it doesn’t even NEED to be a vibration specific file.
Update: Seems everyone uses OFS - but it’s really not ideal for this. You don’t need to see the video, just the audio tracks (left and right) and you won’t need the positioning thing, just a strength indicator. Some haptic scripters have developed their own tools for this - that allow for repeating patterns (waves, saw edges, etc).