Scriptplayer / handycontroller?

For some reason scriptplayer isnt playing the beat as fast as the script is suppose to do. the handy isnt moving as fast as its scripted to.

Why is this?

Aswell can handycontrol use videos aswell or is it just by playing scripts?

ScriptPlayer doesn’t control the command-speed of the Handy. When you connect a Handy to ScriptPlayer, the Script is uploaded to the Handy and it plays it autonomously. The only thing ScriptPalyer does after that is make sure the internal timestamp of the Handy is synced to the video playback (play/pause/seek/etc.).

I don’t know which script/video you are using but from my experience the Handy handles even fast scripts rather well - sometimes with reduced range, but a lot better than the Launch that just starts jerking around until it hits the top/bottom of its rails.

What exactly is the problem and how fast are the commands?
If by “fast” you mean the speed the Handy is moving up and down - it is limited an sometimes can’t move the entire range up and down.
If by “fast” you mean the delay between two commands - that shouldn’t be a problem. Some of my scripts have delays of barely 50ms and the Handy handles them remarkably well - reduced range but all the motions.

i mean as its barely moving up and down

Have you tried the +/- Buttons to increase the range?
You can change the range from within ScriptPlayer with the +/- buttons in the panel on the right side or simply by pressing up/down on the Handy (press up until the LED turns red for full range)

btw: Use the latest beta for the Handy - they changed their API after the last ScriptPlayer release

Sure, you can also play videos in sync. Read the topic and you can see whats possible :slight_smile:

You can also check if Handy works correct if move the sliders manually. You dont need to load a script for that.