Seal of Lutellaria - device integration

Nice though I’m afraid that I was attempting what you suggested with irandom however as this page states: GameMaker Manual

This function will return the same value every time the game is run afresh due to the fact that GameMaker generates the same initial random seed every time to make debugging code a far easier task. To avoid this behaviour use randomise at the start of your game.

Which through my testing did end up to prove true as only when I closed and reopened the game it then changed the amount of times till downed, nothing else triggered a change in the amount of hits to down. I also didn’t want to spend (what would feel like days) hours on trying to find the starting script to input the randomise code correctly to have it work properly when I could just more easily hunt down what called the down variables and then add in the if statements to make it as random.
It only appear to set the random in stone as a way to make debugging easier though in my experience if you attach an hidden statement to each random then you can do the same when debugging as I presume the engine won’t point you to scripts and lines where the error occurs.

Anyway what you said about having it being a light difficulty boost is what I was aiming for since I recalled some enemies can be a pain when you first encounter them and that was mostly due to me not wanting to grind or secret hunt for items to min-max. However as that was a rarity I do feel the boost is needed especially once familiar with the game.
How was it thought with the Handy integration though as until Bluetooth on mine works properly again I can’t tell for myself?
(I suspect I’ll have to consider replacing my few years old Handy)

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Is this only an issue with irandom? Because random is used a lot throughout the code and it provides a different value each time. As for the integration, I find that in particular that part doesn’t differ much between the different mods. The only way to change it is to change the random range for image speed for the lewd animations, which scales the speed of the script as well.

Nope the choose that I use in the if’s go off the same functionality and in testing they also resulted in the same thing occurring which is why I went hunting for the down’ing code to do the if statement way.

I’ve managed to get my Handy to work again (for some reason my several years old 4.3 dongle is better than 5.2 motherboard antennas) and found it to be nice of how the difficulty worked out to be where I could lay back a bit but also had a struggle a bit at times.Could do with maybe some tweaking I think by making the H-scenes shorter rather than more button mashy since for me I was finding my fingers starting to hate me as for some reason my controller wouldn’t work.

I did though get reminded at how at the end section of the game it…just is lacking a ton compared to the rest of the game in my mind since I feel like it would be a good place to have all enemies come at you rather than this limited new lot. Also felt a bit like some enemies like the Sharman and the Sandworm you have to purposefully fall down next to for them to H you. As a result I took a little look and found that maybe I can change the Sharman’s stats (gml_Object_oShaman_Create_0) though I am going to hate it if I need to start a new save to just test it. So I’m going to try seeing if making a change doesn’t need a new game via maybe another enemy.

Though before that I’m going to try and make a list of the enemy names as I’ve found the manager (with fairly simple code) for the final area in the game and I know how to adjust it to include ALL enemies and maybe all traps and a chest or two. That way the final area can be more spicy in terms of variety and difficulty in my view along with it turning into more of an arena.

Would anyone would like this file if I do manage to make this and get it working?

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I’d definitely be interested! Also, you shouldn’t need to create a new save, just editing the data file and then loading your previous save has always worked for me when I change things.

Ah okay right then I guess it’s only when it affects the player character then a new save is needed as that’s what I found when I was attempting to test the knockdown system.

I have managed to modify the last area and after some testing and head-scratching I have managed to get all enemies (that are of importance because meat pillars are just bleh I feel though since could have been an real enemy, did include the bomber) and traps to spawn in the final area with it to me feeling like it’s a good progression and in a way a means to check to see if you have mastered the game. (I also increased the hidden key limit to 50 from 21 so money grinding can be easier) I’ll sit on it for a bit while I look at how to make slow moving enemies like the Sharman, Sandworm, Vigilante and Doctor (maybe Nurse thoughts?) faster so they can get H more often since their range and/or slow movement definitely make them unable to get you often in the area now.

BTW here’s the enemy list in the code if anyone is curious and no I have no idea why they were using I think Japanese names for enemies before switching to English as you can see in the game (maybe they started development before Setaria/Setalia got popular in the West and they noticed it?). 18 Actual enemies, nice.

Enemy list
  • oMojya
  • oArakune
  • oJikei
  • oSuccubus
  • oBomber
  • oTrapOtosiana
  • oSankakuMokuba
  • oJoi
  • oNurse
  • oGhost
  • 0oArcher
  • oImomusi
  • oImomusiCarrier
  • oNurseMojya
  • oVise
  • oHealer
  • oShaman
  • oLamia
  • oKamakiri
  • oAlraune
  • oSandWarm
  • oCleaner
  • oCleanerModoki
  • oDeath
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Great work!! Is it alright with you if I also implement these changes into my version of the hardcore mod when you’re done? I think they’re a fantastic and creative addition!

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Sure you can @Deern , I have actually gone against my word and what was best for me since I got absorbed in making further changes and sorting out the enemies that I’ve been working at it nearly this entire time. I’ve only now stopped as I’ve hit a roadblock and I’m tired since it’s after 3 am and I have things to still do. I’ve made a new text file named changelog v2 which has all of these new changes in details contained within them including the code I changed and I have included the previous changelog as those changes are all still valid and I didn’t want to make v2 any longer.

Link: Lutellaria Mediumcore mod v2 - Ratattack15

So what I’ve done is the following:

  • There is a difference between all three files provided as I have found a way to change the internal window size of the game (so camera can be more zoomed out), this comes with of course breaking the game as to what you are meant to be able to see (this is most noticeable with the 1440p version). If you do not want to deal with this change then choose the 720p version. If you choose the other two versions then the zoom in for H animations that aren’t full screen will not fully zoom in, just press “Q” to zoom in a bit more. (make sure to press “W” to zoom out again a bit)
  • Masturbator key limit has been doubled and a bit so you can gain more money if you grind the keys
  • The following enemies (Vigilante, Succubus, Arachne, Nurse, Zombie Nurse, Doctor, Shaman, Sand Warm) have all had an buff in various areas pertaining to movement speed, attack range, detection range and for the Sand Warm an buff to how long before it pops out at you.
  • Changed/reworked the final area of the game completely so that it is essentially an arena that gets progressively harder as you get closer to the final boss and finish the game. Nearly all enemies and traps from previous areas are included. You will not meet them all at once to begin with. You can meet Death which is under-powered after grinding for a while in this area (I do not know / haven’t found out how to change it’s spawning mechanics yet). Traps won’t be spawning where you expect them! No more meat pillars (of art?), but the bomber returns.

I have somewhat tested these changes as I went to make sure that I wasn’t changing the wrong values and such. Though I have not tested the window size changes across the board especially in boss fights, I found 1080p to be nice while 1440p to be too much at times and causing myself to see outside the level. Enemy detection ranges have not been adjusted for each version so you will see enemies standing still usually. I do not know how to deal with menu’s in this game engine and the Dev didn’t clean up the code so there’s no ingame way to change window size although I believe it to be possible after some research.

Final Words for now


That’s awesome. The only thing left to desire here is to trigger random H-scene on a boss hit. Otherwise boss fights become way too boring.

@thewataru That could kinda…be done I feel since the boss fights do spawn the cursed ghost which is in the enemy spawn list (I didn’t include it though in what I posted since it’s got no H-scene) so there should be a way I think to change it to include other enemies for that area. Though a better way could be if someone can figure out the spawning system for areas is make it so the boss area spawns an super fast enemy with one hp when you get downed, though will have to change the attack cooldown and range so they don’t become a annoying wasp.
I do agree that the Boss fights are quite lame H wise though are an slight improvement on the previous game since now your the one sexing the boss (except the final one) but it’s hard to see the action due to the bullet hell that occurs so staying still is asking for an down. I feel that if they did them in such a way that you fought to stun them so you could start a H-scene where you fight to keep it going would have been better and have that switch between three positions or something like that.

EDIT: My mind appears to not want to stop thinking about this game…so much so that it just thought of an idea that could allow the game to be less…button mashy to escape. How? Have it so that in the first second or two you can’t mash to escape out of an H-scene as most H-scenes have the insertion animation before it starts the animation in full and thus the Handy doesn’t…start effecting you so much long term. If done well enough then maybe have it be that if you do struggle in the first two seconds or however long the average insertion is then the Handy gives a few burst strokes till you stop and you either lose HP (to a max of 4 or something like that) or the “orgasm” bar fills a bit faster for that H-scene. This results in Handy users maybe experiencing the consequences of trying to escape when the enemy is most alert and slapping them while also non-Handy users lose HP or have less escapes before they lose HP via orgasm.

Thoughts? As I’ve no idea if I can do this like with window menu thing that I want to do which’ll definitely require research if I go through with it (though I could still just provide 3 different versions) as I’ve not looked at the struggle system at all to understand it. As I know nothing about Handy the punishment would be the hardest in my mind.

  • See about Handy punishment
  • Try to do only the HP lose from spaming
  • I want faster “orgasm” fill if I mess up
  • All of the above / try your best
0 voters

@thewataru I hate myself and that I agreed with your suggestion.

I hope you enjoy v3 of the mod when I release it (as it needs more testing) which depends on how the above poll goes since I have no idea if I can do the Handy punishment without changing the script (that’s my only guess of how to do it as if I need to change the integration program itself then…welp) Doing the HP lose from spamming too early I have a slight idea how to do while the faster orgasm should be possible from what I understood when I did v1.

Now I’m going to go to sleep and rest for a few days (maybe, if I don’t get the urge) before looking at the poll’s results.

My version of the mod has been updated to add @Ratattack15’s enemy and final area changes! I made sure to update the changelog as well while I was at it if you need more info. Cheers! <3

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@ Ratattack15 Thanks a lot! I can’t wait to try it out. I find the current H-scenes quite satisfactory, so I don’t have a lot of opinions on the improvement here. My only issue is that for the full quite a long boss scene the handy isn’t engaged at all.

Also, these cursed spirits, they attack and hit your HP, but never once did they try to initiate an H-scene.

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@thewataru Sadly Cursed Spirits don’t have H-scenes neither does the rose worm (the bomber and worm spawner and meat pillars as well). No boss area/battle has any H-scene for the player only for the boss except the final one. I feel like they could have used the first game’s ghost H-animation for the Curse Spirits since their models are similar. Rose worm…well we have the annoying spawning worm already for that which was in the previous game too.
I don’t know how to do pixel art so no chance for me to change those enemies to have H-scenes.

which is the hardest hard mod so far?

That would probably be mine! It is a combination of the hard parts of all the other ones so far, effectively.

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Deern’s is the most updated so the hardest out of the lot as they said themselves and while the other files aren’t as updated as mine or Deern’s their aims make them harder than mine as with my changes I have not disabled armor (prevents downs) while other changes are around half of what those other changes are. The only area where my files could temporarily become harder (presuming Deern continues to add changes/breakthrough I make) as I am playing with the idea in my head of changing ALL detection and attack ranges to be more inline with my experimental breakthrough of internal screen size e.g. succubus is a true sniper along with the doctor.

My mod will always aim to be an mediumcore level as while I don’t find the original game hard enough (didn’t die until I reached the final boss massively under-powered), I don’t want it to be where I can’t relax while playing once in a while as I then that’s my comfy difficulty.

If any mod is not hard enough for you then you can go ahead and use the changelog’s of each mod to make changes to make the game like dark souls level, for example hard capping key holding limit by if an boss is alive or dead and increasing shops costs can easily do that after making struggling harder and decrease max HP. (it is possible to increase defense and attack rate of enemies but I’ve no idea how effective they are especially defense, would be good to find a way to make some enemies need two hits to stagger)

PS dang most people want the massive proposed pie rather than an small pie it seems from the poll though it does seem that changing the Handy is wanted a bit more to some than the other options, I hope that it’s possible however I may end up releasing an v2.25/.5/.75 depending on how long or head scratching I need to do since I have the boss change done if I test it. (I’m not confident I can do the Handy thing too for those asking silently so no promises)

@Ratattack15 It’s the same in Setaria. Bosses don’t have any H-scenes there. But the hard mode there somehow hooked random H-scene to all the boss hits. It’s probably not trivial to do so, but it should be possible. No need to create any H-scenes, just hook a random one on hit (i.e. not arbitrary scene, but different random scene on each hit)

Might be able to cannibalize that same code and just rename a few variable. I’ll check when I get home this evening!

@thewataru Well dang…I just checked the changelog of the hardmode file there and yep I see how they’ve done it. The way I’ve done it though is different as it’s resulted in spawning the enemy that has to grab you to do the H-scene rather than just spawning the H-scene as then you still have your slim window chance to stand up.

EDIT: @Deern I have got H-scenes in the boss fight just the way I’ve done it is different, I haven’t released that version yet is all. If you were to do it I suspect you’d have a lot more coding to do than what I did since I managed to get it all under one code file as you’ll have to do it for all the code files of the special boss attacks.

Currently I’m trying to look at the H-scene system to see what I need to do for getting the orgasm bar and maybe the animations to speed up as a quick test told me that changing gml_Object_oHGage_Create_0’s react_pw and attn_pw values in the middle of the animation doesn’t appear to change the speed though can make it harder. I thought the hard bit would be looking at Handy stuff not this though I’m more casually doing it right now.
Wish I could figure out how to put text on the screen as my copycat ways aren’t working.

EDIT2: @Deern I found a way to make Hardcore files harder very easily as I got the escape punishment system working and oh boy the stuff I’ve put in is punishing over a long period as I think you can only escape twice if you attempt escape too early both times before you orgasm. That’s also going to take away 6 HP too.
Now to look at the Handy stuff as I though that the HP damage was going to be a separate thing but nope…though again I doubt that I can get the Handy punishment to occur unless…hm…idea. (idea failed though got something out of it)