Seal of Lutellaria - device integration


What this software does is provide integration for the game Lutellaria


Features :bulb:

  • Stroker device support (theHandy is tested)
  • Vibration device support with custom settings
  • Scripted sequences for most sex scenes in the game by @99DM
  • Filler support with custom settings
  • Infinite device connections support
  • Custom script support
  • Gallery support
  • Not dependent on intiface, can run solo (feature is deprecated and will be removed soon™)
  • Intiface connection support (given the builtin is deprecated, im gonna move using this only)

Bugs :broom:

  • Some

How to run :open_book:

  • Go into the mega and download the folder.
  • Run the SetariaPlayer.exe from the “Player” folder.
  • Select the lutellaria script
  • Press save and start.
  • Make the handy go into bluetooth mode by holding the mode/internet button until it shines blue.
  • The SetariaPlayer or Intiface window should say that the handy connected (same for any other compatible bluetooth device).
  • Run the game.

Checkout @99DM’s full script

Github :page_facing_up:

Download game + integration :floppy_disk:

Thanks to @Deern the datafile

Support the game :sunny:

Hardmode datafile by @MKN :smiling_imp:

Hardmode datafile by @jean_cucumebr :smiling_imp:

Hardmode datafile by @Deern :smiling_imp:


I can’t believe this came out


Seal of Lutellaria - Nightmare Mode

Changelog is included in download folder. This is effectively a large combination of the other hardcore mods and changes. Thanks to @MKN, @jean_cucumebr, and @Ratattack15, since this mod wouldn’t exist without their contributions! Cheers and have fun! :heart:

EDIT 6/10/24: I have added a version with only the value edits but none of the major gameplay additions from other mods. This means that some enemies will be stronger and you will be weaker, but the punishment system and paying for healing and ammo no longer exist, for those who want all the difficulty with the same gameplay experience. You can find a fully updated changelog in the MEGA folder.


I really enjoy seeing all this come together, you guys are amazing. Making full cg videos, and then making the scripts for them, those who make the software needed for integrating them into the game, those that do integrate them and then people making hard modes etc. So many different things all contributing to making it a much better experience. Thank you so much! I love these game integrations.

Happy Ayaya


You game integrators are heroes. I cant wait to try this!


Is this for PC or can I use this on my Android phone as well?

I’m getting a crash when trying to interact with the first gate in area 1, the readout is attached below:

action number 1
of Step Event0
for object oSeisiGateH:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Get -15.argument1(92, -2147483648)
at gml_Script_scr_launcher_animation
gml_Script_scr_launcher_animation (line -1)

My player isn’t working. I suspect it’s because the “start” and “save” buttons are offscreen. I have my desktop hooked up to a TV, so the scaling is probably a little weird, but it would be nice if the buttons weren’t offscreen so I can click them :slight_smile:


Im gotta learn to WPF better before i fix this


Thanks for the quick fix! Mod has been updated as well.

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You could probably just make the window resizeable. Might not “fix” the issue, but then users could make the window bigger to see offscreen text, so resolution, font scaling wouldn’t be a problem.

Try the new 19.7 build, it should fix it, fingers crossed.
It should also improve vibration devices massively (maybe)


Mod has been updated to the new version!

Thanks! Is there any way you could publish an archive with only the latest version of the mod? I presume there should be only the player and file?

I’ve been trying to look at ways to change the datafile to have some of the hardmode settings that others have made but I am a fish floundering around out of water as I found GM editor to extract the but I haven’t figured out the next step after that to change data in the files with the right program. No idea how I would even compile it all together again for it to be usable though.

So uh can someone guide me slightly with this or point me in the right direction please?

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I use the Undertale Mod Tool to make these changes, it works very well for me. Although technically not made for this game specifically, it works for any game made in this engine. You simply use it to open the entire data file, and edit the values there before saving it back to the original folder. If you still have trouble with that though, I’d definitely have no problem with editing some things for you. Feel free to DM me about it!

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Thank you that made it much easier. I have managed to make a bit of a breakthrough after a bit in finding the right place in the code to place an bit of code which makes it so the hits to down randomize essentially. As I’m making an version that is harder than normal but not extremely hard.

BTW I looked at your changelog and noticed: "gml_Object_oArea2GateH2_Other_7
gage.attn_pw = 0.004 —> 0.001

gage.attn_pw = 0.004 —> 0.001"

Can you explain what those changes do as my best guess is that it just makes the masturbation animation at the hospital area gates take a bit longer? If so I’ll make those changes too and then I’ll post my file too though I haven’t tested it much outside of just starting a new game to see if the downing randomization worked and I was right with changing damage output.

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They’re part of the fix for the glitch that was causing it to be impossible to escape. The variable “attn_pw” controls the rate at which struggle progress decays. It was set lower initially, but after the orgasm animation played it used to set it back to the default, which was too high for the slower escape rate and made it impossible to escape at all. I went through and found all references to attn_pw and changed them all to the updated value and it fixed the original issue. If you want to make it harder to escape then you’ll need to set this low enough so that all progress is not lost instantly.

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Alright well here is my file: Lutellaria mod - Ratattack15 ~ pixeldrain
I hope that I haven’t messed up somewhere with this, I’ve aimed for it to be an inbetween of the normal game-play and hardmode files, so an medium mode, a rough summary of the changes I’ve done are:

  • Armor starts at 1 and can be upgraded
    *down/struggle bars are doubled at most in terms of difficulty. Hscenes can be escaped from about quarter filled as duration has increased too.
    *Damage you do is roughly 75% of normal
  • Biggest change is that hits you take before downed is now (in a way) randomized between 1-3, this changes every down’ing so if you get downed in one hit, it’ll take 2 or 3 hits to down you once again but not 1 until downed once more.

If you want to change the randomization then I can explain how though the changelog and some basic coding knowledge (just need to look into “IF”) should enable you to do so yourself.

EDIT: So I tried to test this out on my Handy but annoyingly it’s decided today (maybe due to the sudden heat in the UK though I also got mine nearly right at launch so it’s old) that it’s Bluetooth doesn’t want to work properly.


Eager to try this out! I’ll let you know my thoughts later this evening.

UPDATE: I tried it out. I like it! It’s a light difficulty boost, rather than the more extreme difficulty of the other available mods. The only thing I would change is instead of using the if statement, replace the whole thing with simple “down_ready_cnt_org = irandom_range(1, 3)” to make it truly random. Adds more suspense in my opinion. Still, @Ratattack15 did a great job! Always happy to see more altered versions of this.

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