Sextropolis Episode 1 Plus. Live Action PMV game

This is a port of Sextropolis Episode 1 into my Unity based project.

This game is a PMV based game. It is all live action based PMVs and videos.
I don’t see many games here that are not anime based.

After creating Sextropolis Episode 2 from scratch I decided to re-do Episode 1 and port it into my newer interface. All the video and PMV assets are the same from the CHP release.

The main improvements are:
No script loading times.
The Battle videos fill up more screen space.
Possibly more device support. Not tested.

Game Download link:
Usual Mega rules apply, please import before downloading.

To start the game:
Run EDI.exe and connect it to your device.
Run STropolis Ep2.exe and start playing the game.

Note: EDI can take some time to start sending actions to the device when it first starts. I’ve seen it take almost a full minute for The Handy to start responding. Don’t worry though, once it starts moving it is usually instant from then on. The Intro Video and Main Menu are funscripted, so I suggest just waiting there until your device starts responding.

This game is made for Windows using Unity and EDI.

Episode 2 can be found here:

I figured that after releasing Episode 2 not everyone had played Episode 1.
This game is essentially a PMV playlist with turn-based RPG battles intermixed.
This was my attempt at adding more game-like elements to the CHP Island game.
The flow of the game is you get a story PMV, then a battle. If you win you unlock the battle PMV, if you lose you go to the next story PMV. This means losing a battle doesn’t end the game.
There are also several bonus PMVs that are unlocked based on how many wins you get.
You can view any previously unlocked PMVs in the Scenes section on the Main Menu.

Feel free to ask any questions and feedback is welcome.
Have fun.

Edit: 1.16.2024
I updated the game to version 1.3.
This version includes some fixes and improvements. You will need to download the complete new game. Your save game will still work from previous versions.

The episode title in the main menu is fixed. Forgot to change that last time.
The game is a little easier to beat. After playing it a few times I realized the difficulty was a little to much so I tweaked the balance to be a little more in the players favor.
Unlocking all 3 endings will also unlock all tracker PMVs.

Right click to skip a PMV that is already unlocked. That’s right. any PMV you have already completed can now be skipped. Should make replaying the game to unlock all the content less repetitive.

Update 2.24.2025
Changed the Mega Link.
Had to make room on my cloud drive. Hint hint.


Thank you again for all that you do bitterswee. I’ve been like a hawk on your page since I’ve got my handy about 2 months ago! Can’t wait to replay sextropolis!

Wow, this looks great! Going to try it out. Big thanks!

This and 2nd version are super awesome! Hoping and can’t wait for more!

Very Sad @BitterSwee I have exact same issue with Episode 1 in that any videos do not show but the interface etc are all showing ok.

Works again on my other machine without issue, I can only assume its the gfx card on this box as very new build but couldnt afford a new card so reusing my old one for time being.

Only one question I had, I noticed when I load and skip the into video. I get to menu screen and it says Episode 2 - is that just me/something else weird for me?

I did double / triple check i was loading this episode 1 exe but was curious if just because its using the same UI etc and wasnt tweaked for this or something strange on my machine agian.

P.s I shall replay episode 1 on my other machine to see how it compares to the experience with CHP.

p.p.s - Please keep up the amazing work! I absolutely love these types of releases especially being handy compatible - The Animated Games dont do it for me so live action games all the way!!! Oh and are you planning a part 3 or something else?

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I was wondering when someone would notice that.
I was too focused on the nuts and bolts of the game that I completely didn’t notice that I didn’t change the title in the main menu.
I will be releasing a new version soon that has that fixed as well as a few other fixes.
One change is that Episode 1 is too difficult. I made some tweaks to make the game a little easier to beat and unlock all the content.
Another improvement in the next update will have is the ability to skip the PMVs that have already been unlocked so replaying the game to unlock the remaining PMVs won’t be so repetitive. I want to release an update for Episode 2 with the same skip function as well.

I do have some ideas for Episode 3. It will pick up where Episode 2 left off, but I want it to have mostly different gameplay. I really liked the battle sections in these games and the way the game will throw different strokes at you.
I’ve been tinkering with some things over here and I’m working on getting the ideas for gameplay fully worked out.
I want to get further away from the idea that it’s just a PMV playlist and really dive into the way an interactive porno/stroker game can stimulate. The tricky part is thinking of gameplay that (1) integrates porn clips, (2) is not too complicated to distract you from the stimulation, and (3) within my limited ability to code.
We’ll see how it works out. Going to be a while before I have anything to present on that front.

OOOOOOH Super excited and all aboard the HyperTrain already! I cant wait and very glad to hear its stepping more towards a challange game approach and not just a pmv player with disruptions :smiley: Certainly be nice if branches/paths can occur to make the end result of overall story different - that make replaying work better and not a grind to unlock all content. Do like the idea of being able to skip vids when previously unlocked.

also I know mentioned before but making something remind me to hit up the shop after each round useful as i’m always forgetting

p.s @BitterSwee I know the know approach via unity is new to you, how much of a learning curve was it? I really want to create something up and think more live action games are needed, so any tips etc you might have be super useful.

likely be waiting till get new graphics card though as i think that’s my issue on main machine playing these and no-doubt be needed if i’m going to do some editing/create something.

Here are the three main tutorials I used to build this game.

This video is an intro to how Unity works. If you follow it you will build a Flappy Bird clone.

It’s a good intro on how Unity works and how to use the interface.

This covers the basics of a turn based RPG. Pretty useful but some of the advanced stuff was difficult to understand. The is dead bool thing is a bit tricky.

This video covers the save system. It is continued in a few other videos by the same creator. This one and the others in this series were really helpful, but they also took me the longest to figure out how to change it to work with this game. The Save Slot feature was obviously necessary but even after following along with this video I didn’t really understand it. I also wanted a separate save system that operated outside of the save slots to save the unlocked scenes. Kind of like a global save slot. This was probably the most time consuming thing to figure out how to implement the way I wanted. Still don’t know the fundamentals of the save slot buttons but they work in my game so I just moved on to the next thing.

One thing about Unity is the amount of use it has makes it easy to search for help. Just about any issue you have can be googled and you will find a forum post with the same question.

The learning curve wasn’t too bad, but it can be frustrating at times. Like finding out that I needed to implement a volume control into the game then having to copy that to every scene in my game. Figuring out how templates worked where some assets are copied and some are still linked to the parent, and how to get them linked to what is actually in the scene still confuses me a bit. I really struggled with randomizing the tracking videos without getting any duplicates. Randomizing a list and calling it properly took longer to figure out than it should have.

However, things like implementing the “Steal” mechanics and the Inventory system was a breeze. It’s funny what ends up taking time.

You my friend are a legend! that is a far bigger reply and detail than I expected and so valuable!! I will check out the videos and have a play to see what I can come up with. Really need to get a new graphics card (just waiting for the price drop with the “supers” around the corner. Then can get video editing along with trying to put something together game wise. Certainly wont be any time soon but it’s my intention to eventually get something put together.

Thank you again for taking the time! and very much looking forward to your future projects, do keep up that excellent work (it inspired me to wanting to make something, so you’re doing something right :wink:

There seems to be a display issue if you are using a (curved) widescreen monitor. My display resolution is 3440x1440 (using an Nvidia GeForce GT980) and quite a lot of stuff is offscreen (especially in the sync menu). Could you add a “Windowed” option?

I have managed to work around this on my Windows 10 Pro machine by creating a shortcut to STropolis Ep1.exe, right clicking on the shortcut and selecting Properties, and in the “Shortcut” tab under target change "....\Step1_v1.3\STropolis Ep1.exe" to
"....\Step1_v1.3\STropolis Ep1.exe" -screen-height 900 -screen-width 1600 -screen-fullscreen 0 . Now to actually give the game a try!

I wondered how Unity would handle other aspect ratios. The game is built for 1920x1080 since that is the resolution of all the videos.
Looks like your monitor is an ultrawide so it’s a 21:9 aspect ratio instead of the 16:9 the game is built for. Seems that Unity defaults to stretching games to the monitors width. That would explain why the top and bottom is cutoff.

You can press Alt+Enter and the game will go to Windowed mode. It’s a shortcut built into Unity.
Based on your post I would change your shortcut to be -screen-height 1080 -screen-width 1920.
I also found some info about windowed options on this post:

I might try adding some of these launch options if I release another update. Not sure if that will happen but I had an idea to change the battle UI and well, maybe. Probably won’t be for a while since I still have yet to actually break ground on Episode 3.

Hope you enjoy the game, and Isaac, say hi to Nicole next time you see her.

It feels spectacular to play the RPG without any delays caused by the script upload.


With a synced script upload I would need to put all the different patterns for each RPG battle into one script and have it jump to the different times, but EDI seems to be able to change scripts instantly. It really helps to keep the pace of the game and saves me a lot of time during development when assigning funscripts to different actions and scenes.

I also setup a manual sync option in the game that just creates a delay between the commands that start the video and EDI, but I am not sure if it’s even needed since the sync with EDI is always spot on when I test.

I imagine you have EDI coded to stream the script but since it’s working great I honestly never questioned how it works.

Great work on EDI. If you manage to port it to Mac or Android I should be able to easily have Unity build this game for those platforms.

In fact, it creates a single long script with all the funscripts from the game and uploads it as a single bundle, saving in a table the exact millisecond when each original funscript begins in the bundle. This way, only one upload is done, and then seek commands are sent.

Regarding the porting, I have the problem that the interface is made in WPF, and creating one in VUE.js would require many more dependencies and would significantly slow down the solution.

Thank you for your effort. I really like the game and how it plays. The only feature that is missing for me are hotkeys to adjust the sync on the fly and while watching the videos, the way you can do it in ScriptPlayer with the Numpad +/- keys.

Very nice.
This game needed that.

You are the first person to even mention using the sync feature. I wasn’t sure it was even really needed with EDI.

Out of curiosity, what device are you connecting?

handy via intiface.

With the direct connection I had some server connectivity issues recently and wanted to avoid having to reconnect mid-game.

In Scriptplayer I usually have a sync offset of -75ms to - 125ms so I set it to -0.1 which was pretty good. I assume most people do not care that much for music based scripts, but the difference between 0.0 and -0.1 was noticable for me.

I also recently played the third episode, but I’m not sure if I like the new more gamified style as I don’t use the stroker handsfree. In that style I often changed the intensity, which also was a hassle, because the playback stops when the unity window is out of focus and clicking in it sometimes causes an action/skips the scene or something like that. Not sure if there’s also a way to send signals to EDI via hotkey to change that, but me personally it would help.

I also left some feedback on ep 3: Sextropolis Episode 3: Prisoner – A live action interactive game - #8 by juli0r