This is a port of Sextropolis Episode 1 into my Unity based project.
This game is a PMV based game. It is all live action based PMVs and videos.
I don’t see many games here that are not anime based.
After creating Sextropolis Episode 2 from scratch I decided to re-do Episode 1 and port it into my newer interface. All the video and PMV assets are the same from the CHP release.
The main improvements are:
No script loading times.
The Battle videos fill up more screen space.
Possibly more device support. Not tested.
Game Download link:
Usual Mega rules apply, please import before downloading.
To start the game:
Run EDI.exe and connect it to your device.
Run STropolis Ep2.exe and start playing the game.
Note: EDI can take some time to start sending actions to the device when it first starts. I’ve seen it take almost a full minute for The Handy to start responding. Don’t worry though, once it starts moving it is usually instant from then on. The Intro Video and Main Menu are funscripted, so I suggest just waiting there until your device starts responding.
This game is made for Windows using Unity and EDI.
Episode 2 can be found here:
I figured that after releasing Episode 2 not everyone had played Episode 1.
This game is essentially a PMV playlist with turn-based RPG battles intermixed.
This was my attempt at adding more game-like elements to the CHP Island game.
The flow of the game is you get a story PMV, then a battle. If you win you unlock the battle PMV, if you lose you go to the next story PMV. This means losing a battle doesn’t end the game.
There are also several bonus PMVs that are unlocked based on how many wins you get.
You can view any previously unlocked PMVs in the Scenes section on the Main Menu.
Feel free to ask any questions and feedback is welcome.
Have fun.
Edit: 1.16.2024
I updated the game to version 1.3.
This version includes some fixes and improvements. You will need to download the complete new game. Your save game will still work from previous versions.
The episode title in the main menu is fixed. Forgot to change that last time.
The game is a little easier to beat. After playing it a few times I realized the difficulty was a little to much so I tweaked the balance to be a little more in the players favor.
Unlocking all 3 endings will also unlock all tracker PMVs.
Right click to skip a PMV that is already unlocked. That’s right. any PMV you have already completed can now be skipped. Should make replaying the game to unlock all the content less repetitive.
Update 2.24.2025
Changed the Mega Link.
Had to make room on my cloud drive. Hint hint.