SR6 and Virt-A-Mate


I recently got an SR6 and was wondering what ways I can use it with Virt-A-Mate. If there are also any other reccommendations on using the SR6 they are welcome, not just limited to virt-a-mate.

For VAM you need to choose between these two plugins: T-Code Serial Controller v3 made by Tempest themselves (last updated 2021 so is very old) and ToySerialController by Yoooi who’s on these forums (it was just updated)
You can grab this other plugin: MFP_BusDriver_Seated_BJ by Stylemavin also on these forums as it allows for scenes to be controlled by scripts via MFP. (multifunplayer)
Which also MFP for me has been what I’ve used to control/interface with SR6 though I’ve only tried it and it just worked for me well enough that I stuck with it. It is very handy with it’s function of limiting each axis so you can prevent or at least lessen chances of your dick getting snapped or slip out and get slammed down on. Though you have to manually do that yourself inside of VAM with those previously mentioned plugins and it is difficult…(at least in my view it is) since it doesn’t move as you adjust the limits so you have to let the scene play as you adjust.
I’m going to move on now as I presume you know that VAM is very computer intensive and that you have to pay for it and there is free content and paid content on there.

Outside of VAM I’ve already said about MFP but not about game integration stuff which is a tricky area even for Handy users but more so for SR6 in my mind. This is because of the fact that the program used for more integrations is Intiface Central which doesn’t yet (in the works) have multi-axis support and thus no way to limit/adjust all axis movement so you don’t have slip out or slam down’s occurring except for just the up and down axis. (so if you don’t have it flat to yourself then it can bump you, same if you adjust pitch so it is flat to yourself normally)

If you fancy scripting for yourself then I recommend OFS (openfunscripter) with the OFS Simulator3D Mod so you can see what roughly the position of the sleeve will be in as you script away. That’s all I remember off the top of my head, I’ll let others come in and take over since there’s probably things I’ve missed.

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Alright, thank you so much. I’ll definitely be checking out the toy serial controller.