SR6 print time and filament cost using a X1C / P1S?

Hi. I am thinking of buying a P1S and printing an SR6. Does anyone have an idea of the filament amount consumed and the printing time when using P1S and standard PLA?

If you install slicer software, that will give you an estimate of the filament used and printing time. Even if you do not have a printer.

It would be a small fraction of the cost of the x1c. Probably less than a single spool of filament. Exact time and cost will depend on settings like layers and infill.

This estimate will depend on the given printing speed. I am unsure how fast a P1S is able to print these parts. It will not run at max speed for the whole process. That’s why I would like to hear some real world examples.

This is the answer if you’re looking for exact real world estimates.

Have an X1C, slicer installed and the files from Tempest so I figured I could help
Prints on 4 plates, this might have a couple extra parts on the plates because I haven’t built an SR6. This should be pretty close to accurate though.

Edit: you could get rid of a lot of that prep time after the first plate as you shouldn’t need to do extrusion calibration every time if you are using the same filament.

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Thank you!! Ordered P1S + AMS two days ago.

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Congrats man, you wont be disappointed :+1:

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I absolutely adore my p1s. Have a great time :slight_smile:

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