SSR1 Build Questions

Howdy everyone, I was looking into possibly making an SSR1 by Tempest but I had a few questions I was hoping someone with experience building one could answer

  1. Roughly how much will all the hardware cost and how much filament will it use if I print all the parts myself?

  2. Is the SSR1 compatible with OSR accessories like the t-wist?

  3. How difficult is the build itself and what tools (if any) will I need?

Thanks in advance for the help!

  1. A BOM list by MakeItFun suggests ~100 USD for the hardware, minus the prints. That is you source everything from AliExpress.

  2. Not yet. Someone DIY’d a custom Twist receiver at one point but it’s not been widely tested.

  3. Requires a bit more advanced electrician work than the OSR2. You need a soldering iron and a wire crimping tool.


Alright, thanks for the help!

I would add, if this is your first project, go with the OSR2 and then expand this to the OSR2+. The SSR1 isn’t yet beginner-friendly in its current alpha form. I’m not saying that it isn’t possible, but I’ve had a bit of experience with previous electronics projects, built the OSR2+ and SR6, and still had quite a bit to troubleshoot when building the SR6. I’ve since created the BOM as well as bookmarked a lot of common problems, which I think make things much easier to diagnose, but I’d still start with something a little simpler.

Btw, the OSR2 and OSR2+ (also in the BOM) can be done without any soldering at all if you use Telani’s Wago power bus.

If you have electronics troubleshooting skills, by all means make the SSR1. It’s still pretty basic.


Oh, OK, I was planning on going for the ssr1 since I heard it was quieter and also assumed it would be simpler given it’s only single axis but I might go for the osr2 if it’s that much simpler and I’m not super experienced with electronics work. Thanks for the heads up!

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The SSR1 will definitely be more quiet than an OSR2. It’s more complicated to build, however, and has lower performance, in terms of speed and range of motion.

I’d recommend you put in your own legwork to figure out which one you want to build. That will make you more familiar with what’s required, and give you a better sense of which one you want to go with. You can look up the availability and cost of the parts required for each, slice the printable parts to get a filament usage estimate, and read the instructions to see how complex each build will be from your perspective.

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