Stash (porn library organiser) funscript integration

Stash usually runs on port 9999. I don’t know what XBVR uses.

How are you running Stash? Docker, on Windows, etc?

They both use the same port which I believe you can change in the settings but I don’t know where. They can’t run on the same port at the same time so you either have to change the port or only run one at a time.

How to change the port for Stash:

What are the best scrapers to identify?

stashdb works best

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thanks works perfectly.

I gave you the command line and documentation on getting that to work several days back. You just can’t launch the executable by itself as it conflicts with XBVR, you need to add the parameter to start on a non defualt port. So it would be ./install package --port %desired number%
and it will load

I dont know how to get to the command line for the code for stash, and I dont want to be an imposition asking to be taught a computer science course. With the help of this great community, I’ve gotten through getting xbvr setup on heresphere and JoyFunScripter working
and love it. Thank you for trying to help me, but I’m just not knowledgeable enough about programming to follow the instructions as they are. The options in the directons are:

  • adding port: 1234 to the config.yml file
  • setting the ENV variable STASH_PORT to 1234 eg STASH_PORT=1234 ./stash
  • using the flag –port when running stash ./stash --port 1234

Which means absolutley nothing to me lol.

Command line as in DOS, Powershell, or Terminal. Command line is on OS layer utility.

Right click Start-> Run → CMD → Navigate to the folder containing the stash executable, and then run the needed script, likely and for example:

.\stash-win --port 10000

Scraping with stashdb and TPDB works fine for 90%. What is the flow to generate new scenes from unmatched?

I found that opening Stash with the Syncmo browser for my Keon works well enough. Granted, it’s not 1:1, but it works for me.

You would need to go to their Discord for that. There are a few rules around it :slight_smile:

But in essence, you scrape the scene as best you can against the source site (sites are added under Metadata Providers) and then use the “Submit to Stash” function once all data is populated. You will need to obtain an API key from the Discord admins to perform that bit.

From there, you log in to their website and review and submit your unmatched content for review and approval.

Thanks and how do you identify a clip? Someclips I have are either old or not cut scenes from DVD back then. Is there a clever way like finding an image on google?

For the obscure stuff, sadly there’s no magic answer. It comes down to how much you want to be driven by OCD to play PI haha.

What I do is
a) check for a studio watermark/intro graphic as that can be your biggest clue
b) check against iafdb or other site that tracks everything an actress may have filmed.
c) note clothing, locale, male actors etc… to cross check against above lists to see where the match might lie

At the end of the day though, I would not advise expectting a 100% match rate. Some stuff is just never going to match either being too obscure or too difficult to scrape/track behind paywall (onlyfans for example). Fill in the deets as best you can and call it a day on those.

Thanks honestly no idea why it all has to be known and named lol

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It doesn’t have to be. Most people would want that, because it makes it easier to find a specific video. Also Porn is notorious for having archival issues. But your Stash is your Stash so you can do what you want.

Yeah stash really good and stable but sometimes not intuitive. Going through the unknowns is tedious on each ones edit page. Should be done like tagging in a list. Cant seem to find a way to do so.

@thickcock4804 - DM me. I’ll get you through it.

Hey, I migrated to stash but experienced some issues that a few scripts doesn’t play anymore (handy begins to move for a second and stopps completely) but work flawless on Scrip Player. Has anyone had this problem ?

Yeap I have some scripts that would play on Stash but miss like 95% of the strokes… switch to Handy Control and it plays correct. Other times they just won’t play at all. At first I thought it was for more complex or scripts with a lot of points… but I have some that would run and some that won’t. The only thing I can say is that it has to be in the way the app converts funscripts to CSV for uploading to handy servers but I haven’t looked into it yet.