StashBox multi-axis tag

Hello I’ve recently picked up a FUNSR1 2.0. I use stash to manage my goods but since I now can play twist scripts I’m hoping to be able to tag all the scenes in stash that have a twist script available so that I can filter by that when I desire.

Wondering if anyone has a solution to achieve this, worst comes to worst I’ll just make a quick script I can run that will check the filesystem and apply the tag that way. But if I don’t need to put in the work then even better hah.


Not that most elegant way, but an easy way to do it, is to add “- multi-axis” at the end of every video name where you have a multi-axis script of. Then create the “multi-axis” tag in Stash and then auto tag then you have everything tagged.

The Janky way i did it was i used the program “Everything” to search all .twist and .pitch files then whent down the list adding the multiscript tag to each video in stash

Thanks for the input, I’ll probably end up making a script I’ll post it here when I do.