Stereo output estim funscripts

Currently using the combination of MPC → multifunplayer → restim → 2B
This works great to play/sync video and funscripts generated with an alpha and beta conversion done via restim (big thanks to the developers for making this possible!).

Now i am spotting some videos which have for example 2 funscripts:

  • Sleeve
  • Anal

And i was wondering if it’s currently possible with software (or even with the ones mentioned above) to have each script linked to their own channel for audio output.
So for example having the “Sleeve” funscript output an audio signal to a left/A channel. And the “Anal” funscript output to the right/B channel.
This way you can have/control both estim toys separately of each other with its own signal/script.
Bit like an audio file/mp3 can do with left/right in stereo output.

Is this possible that anyone know off? (a website that works with Chrome on a computer, but also an app that runs within a Chrome shell on a phone) has a multiple funscript player that basically ramps funscripts to volume. In my opinion, it could be done better but it’s probably the best out of the box thing that would work for a 2B or Coyote(but Howl would be better for the new Coyote because of Bluetooth output being slow for the new Coyote because it uses the old Coyote refresh). …but even then I have yet to hear from Coyote users on Howl because they either aren’t interested in funscripts or don’t see the point in improving things, which I don’t understand unless Coyote GUI works fine on the new Coyote for people, but meh.

A better way is to use Funstim’s volume modified version that edger477 made
…but it’s complicated because you need to put in one funscript and set the volumes appropriate to the positions and calibrate the numbers until it feels right with the output volume set to one channel and then create another mp3 for the other funscript to the other channel. Then you need to look at it in Audacity and see what needs to be changed and adjust settings and recreate the files until it would feel right on a 2B(I don’t have one). The take the two files in Audacity, separate the channels into their own audio streams, delete the two unused channels, recombine them to stereo with left and right in the correct spots and then export the mp3, try it and adjust as needed. Lots of work until you get it dialed into what you need for your device and then it’s easier from there.
Since the 2B is extraordinarily slow at responding to output changes, I’m not certain how usable the 2B is for funscripts. Perhaps if there was a serial controlled funscript player it would be better than the 2B audio handling.

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Thx. I tried/played a bit with the funscripts to mp3 conversion and combined the 2 mp3’s into 1 with audicity. It worked with scriptplayer to run it sync with a video but it didnt feel nice compared to using restim for example.

So it wasnt worth the extra work sadly.

I don’t think it’s possible if you only have a 2 channel box.

To play the scripts, I would have two separate restim instances, and them each run a different script. Each restim would be outputting their own stereostim, to their own set of two channels

I guess an additional option is to treat sleeve as alpha and anal as beta but that’s not really what you’re asking for