`strokers_for_mpv` MPV plugin Funscript player for T-Code devices (OSR, SR6) and `strokers` Rust library

I wrote a simple Rust library for controlling T-Code devices. Support for other types of devices could be added in the future.

I wrote this because I wanted to write an MPV plugin for playing funscripted videos
directly to my OSR2+, which I’m also ‘introducing’ today.


This is now in a state where it’s minimally useful, but still not slapping a
version number on it just yet.


  • Linux support. Maybe the other platforms work, I don’t know :smiley: — very happy to hear if anyone else tries. (I suspect Windows should work, but I am hesitant to promise!)
  • Multi-axis (of course!)
  • Configurable speed limits for safety
  • Min/Max axis limits
  • Simple text-based (TOML) config file for setting the serial port information and default limits
  • You can add MPV keybindings to change the axis min/max limits on the fly

Known Limitations:

  • If you have funscript variants, there’s no way to choose those in the MPV plugin currently — it will only open video.funscript for video.mp4, not
    video_hardmode.funscript (& equivalent for other axes). I want to address this in the future, just not sure of the best way.
  • If you install the plugin, it will always (try to) connect to your stroker when you open MPV, even if you’re watching an innocent video without any funscript. However I will address this in the future and it’s also probably harmless.

The MPV plugin is available at: strokers/strokers_for_mpv at main - LaurenBoutin/strokers - Codeberg.org
(Rust compiler required to compile; not hard but if this is a problem let me know)

At this point I wrote this ‘just’ for me, I don’t know if anyone else will have any interest in it, so if it is interesting to you but there’s something missing, let me know!