Suggestion: Require preview for paid scripts

Thats cool sellers can be pointed there if they don’t post previews.

Eh, the top sellers on here (which also have the most views, the most clicks on paid posts) are always of famous people like in your case Kenzie Reeves. Looking at your paid releases and who are in the scenes it absolutely makes sense that your Kenzie release is the most bought script currently. She’s a bit more famous (except for maybe Octokuro, but in her scene she had Tsunade cosplay on, so could be that).

In regards to your topic I need to say that it completely turns me off.

In that case it’s not even the pictures and gifs, but the unreadable description and tons of missing details (Studio? Length of the video? Or is the length posted a bit lower for the video and not the script? those are two different times. What’s the FPS or scripted for? Is it the original source fps? Which is it?

Someone that has a 60fps version of the video will have an out of sync script). Also why start your post like it reads like a poem? That’s my personal opinion in that case - not to be mean or anything, but you put a lot of effort into your topics, but in that case the most basic information is missing? Just food for thought.

That whole preview discussion needs to be enforced though. Otherwise it’s pretty much useless on here. Lots of buyers are just horny and will immediately buy. Not to mention second or third accounts on here pushing old paid topics.

Have been burned on here buying scripts (out of sync or the most disappointing thing, just up and down without any regards to speeds or other things like slamming) so I completely avoid the section, because for most scripters it’s just simply that and nothing else. Tons of people put way more effort into their Free scripts than most of the people that offer paid ones. That’s a big shame really.

[Removed] No reason to stir up things.

Well, I have to say that your answer is pretty hurtfull and gives me 0 credibility.
wich is a big disappointment on a personal level.
I’ve put lot of thought in this post and tried to share it in a more personal approach with the scene, the goal was to have a warmer approach than just a technical work with numbers and graphs.
I think those details you speak about people who are just passing by to grab something don’t care about and your head is into deep in the community aspect.
With my script there is a 1080p (30fps) and 2160p (60fps) grab link wich is in perfect sync with my script.

Tutorial is out, hope it helps → Easy way to showcase your script by creating a gif or video - important for paid scripts - howto - EroScripts

I used ScriptPlayer on how to create gifs with overlaying script and Capture on how to make a screen recoding. I think these are the easiest tools to use in combinations with a good quality.

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That wasn’t my intention so don’t feel that way. It’s just that I miss the details or expect details for the scene itself under details and not a personal note and description which because of the formatting I start to read like a poem. Or maybe someone wants to download from the website itself and even visit it? Sure they can google, but they could also go to the original publishers of that scene through that link too Kenzie Reeves, Kyle Mason in Purrr-fect Pussy, on Tiny4K!

Release dates are also welcome if you can find them.

Why not have both? Personal and technical? Both are important. You say you put a lot of through in that post and surely a bit of time with the amount in it. So that’s just my personal opinion, that it’s a little disappointing to have the basic information not be there completely from just one view. That’s my point and you don’t need to feel hurt.

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Presentation is not the topic here Shayuki. I see that differently. I provide the script not the movie but lets stay on the preview paid script rule. There are not voices against the rule as I read. Will it be put in place after Vlad has landed the mothership to the new habitat? Its bit more work for the mods for sure. Much easier to check a preview for them than a sample btw.

The OP talks about “representative preview” which goes hand in hand with the presentation of a topic itself and would surely help other people too, to know what’s maybe important to some people. And I also (and some other site users that watch this site) think it should be required, if it’s possible and available, to link to the original source where people can buy it.

So yeah, sure, offer funscripts and pirate links and not a single link to the original source. With the site getting bigger, the Gumroad exodus last year and certain videos files being immediately reported (not talking about the Loli stuff, but certain site owners and creators watch this site) that should be required imo. It’s not about providing the source itself. It’s providing the link to the source. Even more important for paid topics, where in the past we had companies saying that it’s really not bueno to do that (DoubleVR) and obviously certain uploads being targeted, because the upload sites immediately flag the file.

But I end that here. It’s just a small tip and warning, because in my case I got a not so cool sounding PM which is why I do it all the time. Not to mention that not everyone wants to be a pirate and it’s a good service to at least have the link to the original source in a topic where I pay money for a script (and dont need to look it up myself).

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I agree the link to the paid source should also be mandatory if possible. Some older stuff just can not be found any more.

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We should all get better at doing exactly this (commenting on/reviewing scripts we’ve tried). I’ve asked for comments good or bad on every script I’ve posted and after a year I have yet to hear anything. I’ve got no idea if ppl like their scripts the same way I do or not. The occasional like is nice and all but that might just mean someone liked the performer or scene. I’d almost certainly still script the way I like it myself but if I do something some ppl might not enjoy I’d like to put a disclaimer or something like I usually do if I notice a scene being very repetitive, mostly short and fast movements or some such.

Regarding the broader topic 30 seconds uninterrupted feels a bit much copyright-wise. Five different 6 second segments feels more fair use-y and you get to see different parts of the video. This entire thing could easily be enforced by us consumers without being a hard rule. If there’s no preview, ask for one politely. This is a discussion board, discussion is allowed. When scripters see they could possibly make more sales by doing relatively little work, they will do it. And if they don’t, well that’s a sign too.

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Awesome! Thanks for this. Makes it so much easier to encourage previews. But if we want to encourage previews with simulator or graph, maybe the ScriptPlayer solution should not be listed first?

Might work. My gut feeling is a rule and the ability to flag would be more effective. But - would also put more work on mods.

I think at very least it should be added to the post template for Paid scripts.

Also - changed OP from 30 to 20 seconds since several comments mentioned this being too long. I don’t think it matters really, what’s important is there is a preview at all.

Has to be put in writing by the site as it can really really hurt the sellers business if you pull him out behind the paywall. I really cant do that even if I feel ripped by a fubar script. The paywall protects bad scripts.

ansemite has a point about copyright and previews.

Samples dont have that copyright problem. What I read there is a 15 second overall tolerance. So I suggest to set Captura to 15 secs output.


You are welcome :slightly_smiling_face:
I intentionally chose this order. I thought showing the easy way makes more sense and then showing the advance way. I made it clear that the screen recording way is superior than the gif way and hope that most creators will follow this way.

One single question I miss by the community in every paid script:
Is the script in sync? Do the endpoints fit down to the frame, does the script stop when movement stops and changes?

Btw a comment like this is super seldom. For Mike the script can be trashed if he can not mod it in OFS. With a preview he would not have done the purchase or would have complained before. Not in sync is not worth of the 100kb on the drive on the other hand.

Yeah I thought there would be. Only my method of selling scripts by unscripting is proof to this, as its either locked down or free for all. It pushes scripting and there is no money involved, no identities exchanged accidentally. Just hard work. Does it work? Not really but I give a fuck. This also reminds me not to give them out at all any more while locked. So thanks for the comment.

Way to say fuck you to scripters. I’m not naive, I get that things like this will happen, but at least have the common decency not to shove your piracy in our faces.

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No thanks really don’t want to enter this community who if I understand well is nothing but a bunch of crooks, and looks deontologically really questionnable. What the hell it has to do with motion Tracking, sharing a Paid script goes against what this whole community is about. And let me get something clear you participate to a topic where Paid script should be more regulate and after that you share the work of others with your buddys ? It’s like the crook only want to hustle fine products, like “It’s only sliver in your jewelry box bitch” All that doesn’t make a god damn sense, really disappointed, should have avoid this topic…

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Back to topic please. funscriptwarez is not the topic here.

This post did get a bit off topic. I am keeping an eye on it and mod discussion has started.

For what to use for video conversion / webm creation:
handbrake is used a lot in the industry


Super easy conversion to webm is VLC so record with whatever then convert to webm (VP80).

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