Thoughts on AI's impact on NSFW to script and watch in general?

For those unaware, we seem to be at a point where people are able to produce decent quality text to video using open source models like Hunyuan Video. Right now its still at the beginning stages and people in the AI scene have been developing a lot of realistic creations already. What are your thoughts on this and how we will most likely start seeing full length NSFW videos that could be used for scripting or just general watching? Do you think this is a good/exciting thing you’re looking forward to or the opposite? The traditional landscape of porn will be changing this year at this rate. I added some clips I found below for reference to what is in circulation already.


Using video generation we have an interesting opportunity to do the opposite of traditional funscripting. Instead of writing a funscript to match a video we can write a funscript first and generate a video which matches the funscript by feeding it as an input to the AI video generator.

I don’t know enough about AI to know how to do that, but it seems like a very cool possibility.


Never thought about it that way but im sure it could be done. You would need to train a model enough so it understands how to translate the numbers and points on the curve to imagery. But im a noob as well so idk lol.

Some people say AI is the present’s buzzword like smart was a few years ago. I doubt that, AI has much more potential and danger therefore greater social impact than a smart home.

A few software already can generate decent funscripts based on videos, at least Syncplayer can. It’s not perfect of course, but script generating only gets better in general.

So yes, AI eventually will change script generating as well.

Bonus question: any idea how to generate these NSFW images/videos, what AI to use etc? Where should I start?

imagine taking some ond scripts like fapHeros and give it to ai and say make me a hentai fap hero video i thik tha the technology is gething there but i think that it wont be usable the next 5-10/20 year

Interesting topic. AI video generation came really far and will only get better. I think it has potential to replace normal porn in the future. I imagine a site, where you type in prompts on what you want to see or choose tags. You can create the perfect girl, the perfect action. Everything will be perfect. Something you will never have in normal porn. Whoever gets there first in creating such a thing, will make huge money.

But: The porn industry may not like this. Studios will become obsolete, same for actors and actresses, cutters, writers, producers etc. Many many people are in the business, who will become jobless. I think the porn industry will not like it, especially the big players. They have a lot of power. They pushed the VHS back in the days and later the DVD. The porn industry has more power and influence than many people think. So I doubt the will just sit there and watch how AI will eventually replace normal porn.

These videos you showed are looking really good already. Give it a year or two and they will look even better and we will have full videos.

Sidenote: interestingly the porn industry is already deep into AI by using it to chat to punters on webcams, OnlyFans and the like, retaining emotional contact, strengthening bonds, helping punters fall in love, and hitting them for coin as often as possible.

Pretty certain the industry will be sunk to the nuts in AI image generation as well, once they have AI cam girls and AI chatbots, and AI pimps, all you need is a couple of techs to run the backline, and you’re off…

i think that if the ai will be able replace porn/hentai and more yes definitly some porn will go away but i thing someone will still prefer the real think porn .

but if i can speak for my self real porn needs to be taken as a crime i think that porn must be illegal in the future i think its not fair that girls can sell their naked body online or in person escorts … thats my opinion on porn if the ai is able to take over. just imagine the perfect porn/hentai or even anime for you creted by the ai.

Yes, already happening. Meta is testing AI “Influencers” on their social media. There are already OnlyFans AI models. They will answer you whatever you desire, they can pretty much play the perfect online AI girlfriend. Some industries will adapt and find new way to profit in AI. Networks like the Pornhub network is probably already testing AI generative content. New AI content will rise, while the “old” and “normal” content will vanish over time.

Yes, some will prefer normal porn over AI porn. But only because they “grew up” with normal porn. Younger generations will / may only see AI generated porn in the future, they don’t know normal porn and therefore won’t miss it. It’s a difference between generations. A good example is that younger generations prefer a phone, while I prefer a PC. But I grew up using PCs, because we didn’t have smartphones back then. Younger generations don’t really know how to use a PC or don’t even want to use a PC at all, because they are used to their smartphone.

Making porn a crime is a bit far fetched in my opinion. Porn is already way too criminalized and a tabu topic in our society. I see porn as entertainment, like I see games, movies, shows, sports etc. as entertainment.
And just because women can make money with their body doesn’t justify making porn illegal.


While I’m sure AI Cam Girls will exist, isn’t the major appeal of cam shows that the performer is there live interacting with you? It’ll for sure be interesting to see what you can get an AI Cam Girlbot to do, and there will be a surge of interest when they are developed; however I’m skeptical of their staying power.

People get jaded with things FAST. So once they’ve toyed around with a particular AI Porn Model they’re going to look for something else. Perhaps it’ll be a different AI, but it may very well be someone real.

I think in general with AI is that it is something that will push people to be more creative. It’s something people can use to supplement their creativity. Of course it will replace some real sex workers, but I do not foresee the complete upending of the porn industry.


…i’m more concerned that AI.girl will be indiscernible (for the purposes of phone fucking) from RL.girl, hence the scam. Or maybe a single girl acting as a base model, with numerous AI’s for each client, and the girl gets assigned greater weighting to the clients where she’s in a more compromising position with, or where there’s a possibility of getting found out, allowing a measure of authenticity to be injected at the best moment, pretty much how pig butchering scams are run presently.

Oh yeah, and then there’s ‘just slap AI into pig butchering and off you go’ model, but that’s not even porn now, just rom-scam…

Hunyun was mentioned in the OP. You can pay them or run it locally if you have the vram

Yeah, I have since found, thx.

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It’s not even limited to onlyfans/cam girls. I fully expect the dating app scene to become unusable with the new tech. There were already a ton of fake accounts before, but now people/companies can pump out fake accounts with substance, making them indistinguishable from real people as you said.

Having said that, if the new tech leads to the death of tinder/bumble/etc., maybe it’s not such a bad thing. :kissing:


…and thus shall the Ailuminati Immanentize the Enshitificaton. Ah well, can’t say we weren’t warned…


Frankly, I don’t think many of you are asking the right questions.

I’m confident that we’re going to get to a point where we won’t be able to tell the difference between AI generated video and the real thing. The technology keeps getting better, and at an incredible rate of speed.

How soon will that be? 5 years? 10? More?

What impact will that have?

I don’t know, but I can say that it both excites and terrifies me.

Part of me wonders if there will be an uptick in popularity of strip clubs, cabaret, brothels, sex clubs, and all forms of live, in person entertainment. Will the novelty value of “real” sex become a draw?

Will the porn industry as we know it become a battle of the bots? Who can make the best, most personalized content? Will we create tailor-made porn avatars like customizing a character in a videogame? Will we be able to save a favorite model and “direct” our own scenes? Will we have digital escorts who respond in real time or virtual cam girls who send us interactive messages?

Some of this already exists. How far will any of it go?

As far as scripts are concerned, what will devices look like going forward? Will we still be bound by sleeves and toys? Will we find another way to mimic physical sensations? Will we tap into the brain or nerves directly?

If scripts and devices function as they do now, how long until AI scripts are indistinguishable from human ones? AI WILL learn to accurately track motion more efficiently and accurately than humans. AI WILL learn to fill in the gaps where there are awkward camera angles or body parts out of frame. AI will become “creative.”

Furthermore, if the content that’s being scripted is AI generated, there may well be some position data built into the content itself. To take it a step further, as @TaakoMagnusen suggests, what if the video is made FROM the script?

I’m not saying any or all of this WILL happen, but it’s worth thinking about. A lot of our assumptions are based on how things function RIGHT NOW. Historically, that’s not really how technology works.

If you were to ask a person in 1990 how to write a research paper, they’d probably tell you to go to a library and read a book.

Ask a person in 2000 and they MIGHT tell you to use the Internet.

Ask a person in 2010, and they might tell you to look it up on your cell phone.

As a person today, and they might tell you to use AI.


You’re talking about a super advanced idea, even where we are now with AI capabilities. Most AI porn is just a reskin of something that was actually recorded on video (that’s what makes it seem realistic). The ones that aren’t a skin are fully animated, and obviously so.

Will it happen eventually? Probably.
Will it happen soon? Not if you want a high quality video that matches the script.

idk man, look at where AI image generation was literally two years ago. It was basically a novelty, it was mostly straight garbage that was “oh cute the AI can sort of almost make a picture of something”. It was absolutely full of glaring issues that wouldnt even fool a well trained dog.

Two years later we have stuff like DeepMind’s VEO 2 generating hyper realistic video that obeys physical interactions. It’s clear that AI is progressing at an expnential rate and considering how well its funded by these megacorps it will only continue to advance.

Speaking as someone who thought LLMs and AI image generation was going to remain a cute novelty for a decade or longer, and having to eat my own words. I have to assume this is the trend. Generating if we can describe the 6-dof motion of a pelvis with funscripts we could feed that translation/rotation info to a model which understands 3D motion and it could inform a video generator. It doesn’t seem farfetched and after seeing how fast image and video generation came up from nothing, i have to assume its possible within a few years


It’s almost possible already.

If you’ve ever heard of Virt-A-Mate, there is a plugin that takes the input from a TCode source and applies it to to a 3d model.

Virt-A-Mate is pretty powerful in the right hands. The VR version of it is outstanding, but you need a rather powerful PC to run it. I have a i9-13900K/3080Ti and it can struggle with high quality settings.


Case in point:

Published two days ago by the Hunyuan team. They are already starting to perform 3D understanding. Surely they will incorporate this understanding into their video generation as it’s a requisite for generating realistic physics in the video