I recorded the scripts while the animation speeds were harcoded to 1x speeds.
I took note of the different speeds and used a script to adjust the funscripts’ points to accomodate.
The scripts without a number are those that were recorded at 1x speed. ‘_60’ is 60% of the 1x speeds, meaning 0.6x. That’s the naming pattern I went with.
What hard mode are you referring to? Why would that affect the animation speeds?
It should theoretically still be in sync if you just take the 1x script and half every point’s position.
But I don’t think 2x speeds is something most, if any, device can handle. That would make some scripts have speeds close to 900 units/second.
Hard to say what the issue might be. You could enable the debug messages and send me the logs. It might give me more information.
To enable debug: Under BepInEx/config, look for the BepInEx.cfg file and inside look for the Logging.Console section. Set the console to enabled and change log levels to ALL, like below
## Enables showing a console for log output.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
Enabled = true
## If enabled, will prevent closing the console (either by deleting the close button or in other platform-specific way).
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
PreventClose = false
## If true, console is set to the Shift-JIS encoding, otherwise UTF-8 encoding.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
ShiftJisEncoding = false
## Hints console manager on what handle to assign as StandardOut. Possible values:
## Auto - lets BepInEx decide how to redirect console output
## ConsoleOut - prefer redirecting to console output; if possible, closes original standard output
## StandardOut - prefer redirecting to standard output; if possible, closes console out
# Setting type: ConsoleOutRedirectType
# Default value: Auto
# Acceptable values: Auto, ConsoleOut, StandardOut
StandardOutType = Auto
## Which log levels to show in the console output.
# Setting type: LogLevel
# Default value: Fatal, Error, Warning, Message, Info
# Acceptable values: None, Fatal, Error, Warning, Message, Info, Debug, All
# Multiple values can be set at the same time by separating them with , (e.g. Debug, Warning)
LogLevels = All