To4st - Game Mods (Latest Game: Lost in the World of Succubi | Latest Demo: Corrupt Descent)

Anything like the MountBatten games, Will Be Well. Less “game” and more interactive video like.

You’ve added a paradox, but is there a first part of MGQ?

Paradox is technically a sequel. The previous game is a VN style RPG.
Monmusu Quest! Origins: Assaulted by the Vamp [とろとろレジスタンス] | DLsite 同人 - R18.
I think this is the first part of the first game. Both games were released in three parts. With Paradox’s third part releasing the start of this month.

I wasn’t sure if the original would be moddable, and the sequel covers mostly the same type of scenes and way more.

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Pure Onyx is already integrated, is it not?

From my understanding a lot of work was put into it but was not in a working state. I believe there’s a work around to get it to work with a previous version but it is still unfinished scripts to my understanding. I think I would be a quick finish but then again I have no idea how to mod.

I’ve been sitting on the list and growing it over time. It makes sense some of them might have had another user write a mod for it. I must have just missed it.

If it’s already done then maybe I can look at something else in its place. As it stands now it is quite a bit low on the list. So it might not come up that soon. I was thinking it might reappear in another poll in the future if it doesn’t fit into my next batch, but now it might just fall away.

So I’m having two issues and hoping I can get some help.
First House of lust no longer works when adding game mod folder. I understand It takes a while to boot up, but nothing ever occurs after several minutes.

Second ghost of vena Will only play filler script. At the bottom of EDI it’ll say the script that is playing, but still plays filler.

Hoping someone can help out thanks in advance.

Is the bepinex folder in the right place? Next to the game exe.
Would it be possible to share a screenshot of what the game folder looks like?
Is there any log file in the game folder or inside the BepInEx folder? If it’s failing to start, the log might contain the cause.

No idea what could be causing that. Are you using Handy over WiFi? Maybe the scripts haven’t finished uploading yet. Are you running the newer firmware? Maybe it could be an issue, but I’m just guessing. Could you try it with bluetooth to see if you get a different response?

there is an error log apparently.

Ghost of vena i am attempting to play through serial. As soon as i open EDI and connect my device it starts playing a filler.

Whichever program you used to unzip House of Lust wasn’t able to parse the Japenese characters. That could be why the startup is failing. Look at the exe and the data folder. The names are gibberish.

I use WinRAR whenever there are Japenese characters, to keep them intact.
With WinRAR, set the name encoding to Japenese before extracting and the files should come out correctly.

I know of a bug in the current Edi version where the OSR implementation is unable to loop scripts that are shorter than a second. It’ll be fixed in the next release though.
Are none of the scripts playing? If Edi is printing the names at the bottom then something must be happening. Can you share a screenshot of Edi?

So for ghost hunter its weird I have to do a series of reload gallery and reconnect until the OSR reacts properly. So i guess it is working.

As for house of lust i cant seem to get the correct name encoding. I tried the Japanese one you did and it still came out the same.

Maybe you can try renaming them manually to remove the broken characters. Like this

I think the data folder just needs to match the exe name. So “{exe name}_Data”

I tried that but it still doesnt work. I have figured out that its once i add the .doorstop_version file it no longer boots up.

It could be that Windows is preventing BepInEx from injecting into the game process. I remember others having issues when the game was in a folder that Windows is more protective of. Can you try moving the game to your desktop to see if it can launch from there?

Only other thing I can think of is that the downloaded zip might be corrupt. Try verifying the files using a zip program or redownloading it.

can I suggest?

which has an uncesored version… and you can make your own movies and patterns. it would be killer as a multi axis game if its capable

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A game that could have good integration would be Drain Mansion.


I found it difficult to play an action-platformer whilst maintaining an erection (better for buttplugs and e-stim), so I’m down for those games where the sex scenes were an integral part of the gameplay.

Succubus Dungeon Gaiden looks like a rhythm game where you click your mouse timed to the thrusts in order to endure the attack. Pity that this is contained within the game and does not interact with you as the player. I wonder if it would be a good idea to play milder stroke on success endure and an intense stroke when misses.

I have no idea how you play Holy Hand Device but it looks like it’s got a JOI element to it. It also has a cum button so if you lose irl, you lose in game. This seems like a great mechanic for integration and it just boils down to if the game itself is solid.

Btw, Tomin’s fap hero game just came out. Might worth looking into:


Ya im thinking its the file that is corrupt. I appreciate the help. Im gonna try and get it from a different source. I am unable to purchase from DLsite since they reworked their payment system.

I’ll keep the idea in mind for the different intensity strokes. Could provide it as a configurable option so people can opt out or in if they prefer it.

That’s what I gathered as well. It seems to be a visual novel with live2d animation where the characters stroke the “hand device”. It seems to be up to the player to tell the game when they failed. Got no clue what the story is about as I haven’t tried to see if MTool is able to translate it.

Seems like a great candidate for integration, except for the engine. I managed to learn it uses an engine called KiriKiri Z. I’m still trying to see what, if anything, about the engine can be modified. The developers seemed to have opted to compile the game code, which makes it unreadable and unchangeable. I’m still looking around to see what tools exist for unpacking and/or modifying the engine.

I’ve been keeping an eye on their development for a while. Wasn’t sure if they were even going to release a demo. It’s a shame I didn’t wait a bit to include it in the poll. But I might just get to it anyway as something I personally want to see integration for - if the gameplay can inspire me with ideas.

This is a game I’ve actually tried to mod before. The main problem were the animation speeds. They were inhumanely fast. I’ve looked at reducing the speeds in code, but I think I ran into some other issues. It’s been a while so can’t remember exactly. I’d like to take another stab now that you’ve reminded me, but the current poll results will be my priority for a while.