To4st - Game Mods (Latest Game: Lost in the World of Succubi | Latest Demo: Corrupt Descent)

@to4st could you link me at FunsctiptPlayer API?

Hi there, my first proposal for a game mod ;

Keep the good work !


What about Milky Quest 2?

By the way, how can I create a hyperlink in a box like the one in the post above?


Hi. I would like to recommend a new demo.

It’s a dot action game.

The main character is Hen Thai female ninja.

Even if the main character knocks down the monster, he can have sex with the other person,
On the contrary, even if the main character falls, the monster tries to put the paper in the main character.

Not having to be attacked on purpose is a significant advantage in a linked flatformer game.

And the dot animation in this game is… so perfect.

Do you know what firmware your OSR2 is using?

The latest Edi doesn’t have logging for its OSR/Tcode component, but I can share an updated one I’ve been working on in a private message if you’d like. Should be the quickest way to see what’s wrong.

I’ve never documented it before. I should be able to find some time later today to quickly write something up for you.

Added it to my list

Also added to list.

I think if you paste just the link in your message then it formats like that automatically.

Made note of it.

The game still seems to be in development. Is the only demo available the one you have to pay for?

I’ve barely made a dent in the previous demo poll that I created. There have been so many new recommendations that came in since that I was wondering if it would make sense to start another poll.

I would then alternate between the two polls, going from highest to lowest demand. Though, it would mean that the lower down games would take even longer to get to.
What do you guys think?

I would propose to make a separate thread for the suggested games
The OP there would be a curated list of games made with a specific template, it should have at least:

  • Name, title image, shop link(s), genres, game engine(required)
  • Amount of scriptable content. E.g. in VNs it’s rare long scenes, and in Action it’s constant but shorter scenes
  • Dropdown with gifs of animation of every category (required). E.g. for Kanades it’s default animation, caught animation, and caught scene
  • Readers can propose new games, if they have played it for at least 20 minutes and have the required gifs

I did some research on,13/sort=rating , there are quite a bit of games that could go to the list

Meanwhile requesting Labyrinth of Estras [v0.0.8] [2022] [Abandoned]

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Thankfully, this game does not have much dialogue text, I think the best way is to open the translation software and translate the Japanese game separately

I really like this idea. Especially with the gifs. At a glance, people can immediately see what the game has to offer as far as scripts is concerned.

I would also suggest including a snippet of gameplay to give an idea of how the game itself plays.

But the more I think about it, the more it seems this would be better suited to the requests section and having a standardised template for new posts. A separate thread would just be duplicating what the request section is already doing.

I don’t really mind what I’m working on, but I do prefer to work on things that have the highest demand. Which is the reason for the polls. But I also feel that a lot of games suggested here might be missed by other prospective modders.

Funscript Player API
Here’s a quick overview of Funscript Player’s HTTP methods.
I hope this is what you were looking for and I wasn’t misunderstanding.

Base URL:

GET gallery
query parameters:

  • code(string | optional): The name of the script you want to play. If null, stops current playback.
  • speed(float | optional): The speed at which the script should be played. 1.5 would be 50% faster playback. If null, stops current playback.
  • game(string | optional): The subfolder inside the scripts folder that contains the script you want to play. If null, will look inside the root of the scripts folder.
  • ignoreMissing(boolean | optional) Stops playback if false and the script isn’t found.

GET gallery_loop
Same as above, but will continuously loop the requested script.

GET gallery_seek
Same as gallery, except one additional query parameter:

  • progress(int): The time in milliseconds from which the script should start playing.

GET gallery_stop
query parameters:

  • code(string): Name of the script.

Will stop current playback if currently playing script matches the passed in one.

GET gallery_speed
query parameters:

  • code(string): Name of the script.
  • speed(float): Playback speed you want to change to.

If the current playing script matches the name of the one passed in, it’s playback speed will be updated to the passed-in value.

GET filler
query parameters:

  • length(int): The upper bound for the filler stroke range. If null, stops the filler playback.
  • speed(int): The speed at which the stroke moves, in funscript-units per second.
  • delay(int): How much time must pass before one up-down filler stroke is followed by another. In milliseconds.

GET pause
Pauses playback and device homes to zero position.

GET resume
Resume playback at same point as where it would’ve been if it was never paused.

GET hit
query parameters:

  • strength(double): strength of “hit”. Will determine how far the stroke will travel, in funscript-units
  • speed(int): The speed at which the stroke will travel. In funscript-units per second.

Generates a quick three point script that’ll play inbetween other scripts. From the device’s current stroke level, it would either jump up or down, depending on which way has more room. It will attempt to jump by {strength} units in one direction and then the other, before coming back to the starting position. Each jump will be at {speed} funscript-units per second.

GET range
query parameters:

  • lower_limit(int | optional): Sets the lower bound stroke range. Values between 0 and 100.
  • upper_limit(int | optional):Sets the upper bound stroke range. Values between 0 and 100.

Updates the connected devices’ stroke ranges(linear axes only) depending on the passed-in values.

GET reduce_range
query parameters:

  • max_range(int | optional): Defaults to 100. Sets the upper bound stroke range.

Updates the connected devices’ upper bound stroke range(all axis) depending on the passed-in values.


Have you setup a patreon or subscribestar yet to4st? With how much interest there is in your work and the amount of time it takes, you should. As it stands, the list of game recommendations will just keep growing and growing otherwise. Just my thoughts.


I can make like 30 game requests alone, plus 30 in your queue, plus whatever other people can find
That’s something I want to highlight, it’s a list of scriptable games, not games I want scripted. It’s for the games in bottom half of your poll.
Best games obviously may have their own threads

This is somewhat like this post, having many games makes them easy to compare

youve been crushing it <3

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I don’t know the exact version of my OSR2. I will have to look it up later. I do know I made the thing last spring/summer. With the latest version at the time.

If you could PM me a version with logging, it would help a lot. Thank you.

Just wanted to shout some praise out for Lost in the World of Succubi. I was so impressed with the demo and integration that I bought the full game. Not only a fun game, it would be incredible with integration. Hits all the monster girl check boxes.


I have a connection problem with the handy. I can connect via Bluetooth and the game, but my handy still doesn’t move. Does anyone know what it could be?

Hello, first time posting here after a few days of lurking. I had a question regarding your older scripts that use funscript player, as every time i try to use the player that’s included with these mods (e.g. Afterschool Tag’s mod) i get the .NET core error. Ive tried all of the suggested fixes in the thread to no success so far. The new version of the player works perfectly fine however, so my question is if there’s a way to port the scripts from the mod over to the newer version of scriptplayer that i downloaded by itself? Ive tried a few times but i think im missing something.

I have a WIP version on Funscript player for latest version of MultiFunPlayer, I can send it if you are interested

I think the mods should still work with a newer version of funscript player. Does the status field on the player player update to reflect the in-game changes? What does the structure of your scripts folder look like?

Wasn’t really planning on it as it seems it might just be more effort. Maybe I don’t see the benefits as you do. Is there a reason you’d recommend setting something up?

Is this with a mod that’s using Edi? Does the status field update to reflect what’s happening ingame? It seems there are some cases where the mod is unable to speak to Edi. Whether that’s a firewall or antivirus blocking the mod, I can’t say for sure.

Thanks. Glad to hear you’re liking it. Hopefully soon I’ll be able to kick off another poll for a full game integration. I’m trying to finish off another one or two demos and update Succubus Dungeon with some fixes. Hoping to get those out of the way soon. Just haven’t found the time to test the things before I share them.

Actually, while I'm on the topic of testing. Would anyone be interested in assisting with testing? Basically helping to check that the mod's logic is working and that scripts are playing properly. Testing is an area where I'm very limited. I can't always find the time, or privacy, to hook up my device to my pc. If anyone doesn't mind perhaps receiving a half broken mod and providing feedback, I think it could potentially speed up my releases.
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No, when i would try to move the scripts over, there was a blank status. Does this mean it’s a problem with the scripts folder specifically? I should be able to provide an image when im off work closer to 6.

Edit: Ah, nvm! Booted up the pc when i got home and everything was finally working lol

@to4st I propose a global now=<unixTimestamp>parameter for all requests in all games&players to eliminate all the network desync
I’m already adding it to works great AF

long unixTimestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();

A higher keep-alive would be also great, what value for it do you use now?

What keep-alive are you referring to? A keep-alive on the player?
I’m not sure I’m following. Is there a reason that would be necessary? All my mods take a fire-and-forget approach. If Edi is there it’ll handle the rest, if not, the game continues as if nothing changed.

I’ve never found network latency to be an issue. It’s local to local after all. I can’t imagine the latency could be more than a few milliseconds.