To4st - Game Mods

Thanks, that solved that problem but I have encountered a new problem.

So with the english translation mod im using it works really well but. It replaces i think the plugin.js of the toy integration mod. If i choose not to overwrite and replace it then the game doesn’t work and has errors because the translation isnt all there. Does anyone have a translation or a fix to this. I can’t get the toy mod to work with my translation stuff.

To explain it better

The toy mod file and the translation mod file

Both have a file that needs to be in the game folders to work but they are both using the same name for that file “plugins.js”

If I use the one from the toy mod then game doesn’t work cause translation doesn’t work.
But if I use translation mod the game works but non functioning toy mod

@to4st it happens once new game is selected but i can get into the options menu.

The only change To4st makes to the plugins.js file is adding the last line where it loads the ButtPlugImplementation. So, use the Plugins.js from the translation mod, then edit it using Notepad++ or something to just manually add in the ButtPlugImplementation line.

This is the last few lines for the translation:

“name”: “ThroughFailedToLoad”,
“status”: true,
“description”: “ロード失敗エラーのすり抜けプラグイン”,
“parameters”: {
“テストプレー時無効”: “true”,
“Web版で無効”: “false”,
“無視種別”: “3”

And this is the buttplugimplementation lines

The lines are a bit different i tried just adding it at the bottom of the translation and moving things around but i’ve got no idea where to put it properly. I assume it’s just this line here:


Any help thanks.

Every game works for me but for some reason Mon Musu Paizuri Drain gets stuck at connecting… it use to say something else I think it was COM5 missing, but then I looked around and did something now its just connecting…

Yeah, you just need to add that line to the end of the Plugins.js file after you translate it. Then you can copy the other mod files as is. This is how mine looks:

Fapland Remastered can’t function

edit: after update the funscript folder it works now, mega file funscript player is out date


Regarding the “Fapland Remastered”. Does anyone have any idea how to change the location of the video files to some random folder over than www/movies?

Not sure if there’s a way to do that, but you can rename whatever video you want and replace the videos in the www/movies folder to get the same effect.

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These integrations are amazing!!
I wanted to ask if it is feasible to mod this game?: Support Pregnancy School ☆ V2.21 Lemon H Games
And how difficult it would be. It’s a fun game that is still in development, but it would be great to have integration! Thanks in advance!


I’ve copied how you did yours but im getting some bugs, during scenes i think it plays some scripts example “Script st2_3” that dont actually do anything but then after the actual scene where you get to choose an attack it plays a script with actual movement “script loop enemy_41”

but during a scene like “Script st_1” plays but there is no movement


Okay so i just checked through the simulate game and almost all of them have no movements in the scripts when i try to play them

I’m not sure what could be causing it. Is it possible the download got corrupted? I redownloaded the clean folder and was able to run it as-is.
To decrease the file size you can import the Fapland Remastered clean folder and delete the movies folder inside www before downloading.

That’s my bad, I forgot to set the settings back to their default before uploading. Inside the funscript player folder you can open appsettings.json in a text editor like notepad.
You’ll see this section at the top:

	"ConnectionMethod": {
		"Buttplug": false,
		"OSR": true

Set Buttplug to true and OSR to false.
I’ll update the download link above to reflect this as well.

I’ll give it a shot, but can’t make any promises. I won’t have time to script it anytime soon though, unless you’re offering.

Edit: So I did some preliminary research and it seems this game was made in Unreal Engine. Which would make it significantly more difficult to mod. Since Unreal itself and all game code is written in C++, the compiled game files probably won’t be human-readable. I can try looking into ways other people have modded Unreal games before, but I’m actually not aware of any. This one might be a long shot.

Does the filller play at all?
By using simulate game, it’s clear it might not be the game causing this, but it’s hard to say why.
Are you connecting with intiface or using the embedded option of the player?
If you know intiface to work with other scriptplayers, try using that same intiface session once you see it working with those other players.

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I’ve been using the embedded player option, i’m not too sure why it’s all not working.

The filler does not play.

Maybe my download or something is just messed up.
Does anyone have a mega file with the translation and mod already installed and ready to go? Would help heaps (I have the game files bought from DLSite)

Thanks for the great work!This fapland game is great, but I’ve noticed that the number of funscripts inside the mod is incomplete, some videos don’t have a corresponding funscript script, the last script is “82”, is the rest not done yet?

wondering that too

You’re right. It seems there were more scripts included on the game download link than what I had at the time of my upload. I went ahead and updated my mod link to include the missing scripts.

It also seems that I had the hard mode scripts included by default. I swopped them out for the easy scripts, but the hard scripts can still be found in a zip file inside the funscript player folder if you’d like to continue using them.

main post updated

it’s a typo fix



The script for Sister Quest is still missing, both the easy and hard versions.


Having trouble downloading Fapland Remastered. Both the original and remastered versions. When the download hits about 70% I get an error from my browser and all I can do is retry the download. I pay for mega so I do not have the 5gb download limit, and I have tried downloading it from multiple browsers with the same issue, any suggestions?

use jdownloader2