Tomin’s Playable Fap Hero Game [1.30][complete] | アリアサキュズム | RJ01212921

Delete XUnity.AutoTranslator and Texture_Replacer_BE5.dll from plugins

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My new PeakDelayer (WIP)
Edit: I’m gonna rename it to PeakDestroyer
(it’s like a speed limiter but it keeps peaks)

And here’s PeakSine I’ve tested it with

(peaks are 1-frame jumps)

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Yep all sync disabled

@here updated to 1.0, better everything, check the OP

I’m out for a week or two, if you’d like to help with dev ping me on how to
(mostly looking for correct points and playing Hero/Gallery to record funscripts for better Extended L0 bounds)


I hope we can get soon a public release that does not require having the patreon version of the interface software

On other topics, I wondered if maybe the best idea is to convert the funscript to a wave function or try to get the wave function instead of the position of things in the screen. Tracking the position and change of something seems way harder than figureing out speed, amplitude and acceleration of a sin function. What do you people think about this approach? Maybe we get smoother scripts this way?

It’s totally possible, but I just don’t want to bother compiling the .cs file into a dll
You may try if you want, I’ll just wait halt a year for the MFP open release
Or go get the Patreon version for three bucks

Say hi to note presses making 1-frame half-length jumps so you may get basically this

You may try to look for notes in the future idk

This is what I do with them:

Thank for this mod it’s been really interesting to follow the development of it on the request thread.

I was able to set it up but having issues this part of the instructions

It will not show anything interesting until you start playing, but you may open http://localhost:1367/static/~/TominFapHeroMFPPlugin2/index.html and check “sine” there to try the PeakDestroyer (make sure to disable if after)

I get a 404 Not Found

Also I noticed a lot of stuttering/frame drops when using the mod + plugin. Normally the game runs smoothly

i’m getting this issue when i try to start a song or the gallery and i really don’t understand what the problem is…

fixed in 1.0.1, also updated link in OP

It did run with >60fps for me so I didn’t care
Actually I seem to get them too lately
@resel95074 actually try to enable BepInEx console, or it gonna write megabytes to your drive which may be slow

Can’t reproduce, try to reinstall idk
Looks weird actually, as if it couldn’t parse the same stuff two lines above
… Nah, it doesn’t parse above that is just a string
@rektingcena actually try another version of MFP (theres one with dlls and one without), 50% it’ll helps. I’m almost sure you have one with dlls and it needs that one dll that it will ask you to install from microsoft website

Wow! This is amazing! Absolutely outstanding job, Dimava! Thank you.

You’re welcome

I repeat, if someone is planning to play “a lot” (like, every level twice?, Five levels twice? Whatever levels for half an hour in total?), please @ me in this thread for info on how it could be helpful for development
As I’m in a need of untranslated texts (for which you need to send me the auto-generated file) and day recordings (for which I need you to set “devSaveFunscriptFiles” in MPF plugin to true and then send me funsctipts after you play for a while)

I don’t know for what reason,but my game seems to be unable to connect to the software,even though it can pass the HTML test.

Open BepInEx\config\BepInEx.cfg, set

## Enables showing a console for log output.
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
Enabled = true
#         ^^^^

and check what does console say

“I didn’t find the’config’folder.Is this the source of the problem?”

That means the game mod didn’t start at all, bepinex should make like 6 folders under bepinex in place of 3 unpacked from zip

A tad annoying how it’s locked to the Patreon version of MFP, but thanks

I’ve added Ayva emulator to web page to now I can see all the weird shit I’ve missed
Why tf are strokes inverted?
Why tf it’s tilted 20deg right?
Why tf noone told me?

Technically I could’ve made it through browser since the very beginning but went with MFP … idk why. Probably because I didn’t want to bother with starting from scratch.


@here v1.1 is out, if you have multi-axis go get it now, link’s the same



:pray: Worked like a charm for me! Honestly what a ride :melting_face: keep up the great work!

I was gonna tell u but i was too busy fapping

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