Tutorials Section?

Can we get a tutorial section or sub-category for help?

I was thinking something along the lines of tutorials/troubleshooting guides etc. where we can include solutions to common problems like how to host script-files for the handy, how to connect your DLNA-Server with your Rift + SLR/ScriptPlayer/etc.

Like this post for example:

Basically anything that got resolved in the Help section and might be helpful to others as an abbreviated version.


Great suggestion, I will make sure to bring this up with the other mods and Admin.

I already have some pretty detailed tutorials including connecting the launch to your player @Liquid , just a matter of figuring how to organize it, as Im sure other members can help make good guides too - good idea for sure

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There’s going to be knowledge that’s buried in Help that would have to manually be ported over to a Tutorial section later.

How I’ve seen it done on other forums is an FAQ topic or wiki, where replies are allowed but automatically deleted after 90 days or some other time period. During this time, questions can get asked/answered and the original post can be updated.

Thoughts on this approach?

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