UFOPlayer v0.0.0 (Script player for UFO T.W)


Hi everyone!
I’ve created a script player for the Vorze UFO T.W. The reason I’ve created this script player is because most UFO players are in Japanese, lack features I wanted, and are put behind a paywall.

Usage should be familiar for people who use Fred Tungsten’s Scriptplayer and Yoooi’s MultiFunScriptPlayer, and can be used in conjunction with those two, using a common media source.

This is the first release and I haven’t tested this on other versions of Windows other than the one I run on my system, so please let me know if you have problems getting it to run! I don’t plan on adding support for other operating systems nor do I plan on adding support for Windows 7 or below.


How To Use

  1. Connect to U.F.O by clicking “Connect” and select device from list of discoverable.
    1. Click on “UFO” to show options to test which side is right and to flip if needed.
  2. Select a Media Source from dropdown.
  3. Open a video or audio file with your selected media source.
  4. Scripts are loaded by:
    1. Selecting or dropping a CSV script for the media.
    2. UFOPlayer will automatically add any CSV file with the selected media file’s name + “UFO” in the file name.

List of Supported Media Players

  • VLC
  • DeoVR

Note: I don’t plan on adding a local media source for those hoping to use this app by itself.


Windows 10 or Later

Planned Upcoming Features

  • Regex customization for automatic searching of Scripts
  • Additional Media Sources
  • Multi Language Support

Forewarning, don’t expect bug fixes and new features to come out quickly, I’ll be working on them on a “when I get to it” basis. Not only that, I plan on working on a UFO scripter plugin for OpenFunscripter next, so I might be a bit more slower than I’d normally be too. Sorry to anyone who has problems with the app.

On that note, I should be pretty quick with adding new media sources because I set up my code so that I could use Fred Tungsten’s media source code with minimal changes.

This took me a while to make so if you want to support me, please buy me some coffee: ko-fi ko-fi.com/scp055


This is very much appreciated. Now I just need to get the toy somehow :confused:

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I made a post about how to get one here.

It’s a bit convoluted, but as far as I know, this is the only way to get it. :frowning:

Stupid question, but I’ve seen some stuff that uses different .csv files for L/R Ufo, I guess that’s currently not supported is it? Any tip how to play these?

Good question, yeah there are two UFO csv formats: “timestamp, left strength, right strength” and “timestamp, strength”, most UFO players that I’ve seen handle both cases, and I’ve handled both in my player as well.

Also, just a PSA, there’s a bug in UFOPlayer that causes it to spin the UFO in only one direction, I’ve fixed it, but I haven’t published the update yet.

I don’t have a github account, so I’ll report here.
I’ve ran into two other bugs, first one is if you pause the video the ufos will keep spinning at whatever speed/rotation they were at that moment.

If you run deovr/heresphere as a media source and do not put ufo in the .csv file it will unload itself. What I mean is, if you select the file manually it will show the heatmap for a second and the ufos will start spinning, but the heatmap will immediatly disappear and the ufos keep on spinning. The connection to the media source is good as you can see the position move, just the script/heatmap is gone.
It works fine if you have ufo in the name and load it manually.

With VLC as a media source this does not happen.