Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

Definitely not a fan. Taking this kind of stance always hampers the community and leads to frustration.
However, if you are receiving threats and facing possible take downs I can understand, as certain companies are trying to enforce their own morals as laws.
I can only hope that that it stops at this, and we dont continue to lose content due to inability for people to seperate reality from fiction.


Oh shieeet…

Well, at least it will be automatically removed… So less work for me…

I guess it’s time to make a Fantia account for loli/shota scripts?

I will release a Loli/Shota archive soon so people can get all the scripts that I made.
It will be open for a week before all of them gets banned.


literally 1984


Yeah I don’t think this is for the future of the site, I’m pretty sure this is personal bias and that is VERY bad. This is just another one of those “loli pedophilia and is bad and should be banned.”


I support this decision and policy. Thank you mods.


I am of the opinion that censorship is always a net negative. Unfortunately, the credit card companies are aggressively pursuing pornography in general. Any excuse is enough. It’s reasonable to expect EroScripts would be unable to pay its hosting bill or renew the domain name registration in the future if this content is not removed.

If you want to speak out about this issue, write to Mastercard and Visa. It likely won’t help - and your name will go on a few watchlists - but that’s who is really to blame.

It’s frustrating the views of a few individuals make such an impact.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller


I gotta say…for me…I support the decision and policy. I’m not hating on anyone who enjoys the content, but it wasn’t for me.


This is restrictive, and against freedom of expression. Loli-Shota can mean a lot of different things, and when it’s fantasy or drawings, it’s not real. This sort of stance is personal bias towards the category and not a good look for the future of the site.


A better way to do something like this is make it an opt-in option rather than something someone will see just signing up to the site. It wouldn’t be something most people would even realize, if this is truly for the safety of the site. Default-Off, Must go to settings to enable.


I agree. I loathe censorship……unless it is ABSOLUTELY the right call.
But then…they (not the mods) might start coming for girls like me…and that would def affect me. I mean I’m already public enemy #1….soooo…that sucks.


I knew it would happen eventually, 1984


i hope furry content is next


I’m frankly surprised the moderators didn’t pull the band-aid off and ban realistic (CGI) beastiality content at the same time. That’s almost as likely to earn the ire of the credit card companies as loli and shota content.


it’s a sad world we live in… everywhere you go, this content is always banned at some point.


This is how some image sites like danbooru/r34 do it. You must Opt IN to see this content, not Opt-Out. Would be a good middle ground.


That kind of content was never my thing but I never judged the people who liked it. Unfortunately its a thing that needs to be done cause as much as most people hate the censorship, its a risk esp with people’s megas getting deleted.


I’m glad I have all 432 (free) topics saved, but I’m sad there will be no more. 1984.

In the future you will find more info on the archive at this mega folder.

Smh just add loli and shota to everyone’s muted tag list, and allow people to remove them.

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As I tried to explain above, having this sort of content available at all puts the entire existence of the site at risk. The credit card companies cut off PornHub, but don’t think they won’t go after content they don’t like in other ways. The credit card companies could threaten the hosting service or domain name registrar with a ban if they don’t drop EroScript. Those service companies wouldn’t hesitate to shut the site down because they can’t afford to piss off their primary method of collecting money.

A legitimate way you can help is to donate to the EFF, which is about the only organization that speaks out about this issue.

For Privacy, Free Speech, and a Brighter Future | Electronic Frontier Foundation (eff.org)


Yes the issue with credit card companies is real, however eroscripts does not handle other people’s credit cards for any sort of payment acceptance or processing.

Lets just say pornhub has much larger problems than 2d loli/shota… It’s not even close. I’ve seen sites last +10 +20 years with loli/shota content and are still alive to this day.

This is rather confused. While there are some prepubescent-looking animations called “loli”, the term “loli” itself does not mean prepubescent. It’s just a petite body size.

So if you want to ban the content (which is stupid, even though I don’t care for it), then ban that specific content, and not the tag, which applies to content you are not describing here.