Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

i was quoting this.

which i was quoting from another user this is my mistake. i did not read this specific law. i read the obscenity one.

18 U.S. Code § 2256 - Definitions for chapter
“For the purposes of this chapter, the term—”

“(11) the term `indistinguishable’ used with respect to a depiction, means virtually indistinguishable, in that the depiction is such that an ordinary person viewing the depiction would conclude that the depiction is of an actual minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. This definition does not apply to depictions that are drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings depicting minors or adults.”


In 18 U.S. Code § 1466A there’s also

(B) lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value;

If this sounded familiar, that’s the 3rd prong of the Miller Test you’ve once brought up in another topic of yours.

In regards to US law and case precedent it’s clear that obscene graphic depictions of fictional minors is illegal. This obscenity law has so far been used to add on to more severe crimes (actual CSAM).
It would appear that it is illegal, but low priority for law enforcement.

Personally, I live in Sweden where precedent was established in the highest court that criminalizing fiction violates freedom of speech. A supreme court justice argued that it would go against proportionality to do so.
Only if a court finds it likely that an actual minor was used to produce such a depiction would it be classified as CSAM and therefore illegal (but contextually defensible, such as in the precedential case where Simon Lundström was in possesion of digital Japanese loli art as part of his profession as translator and 1 image among 51 was judged to be CP).


With the removal of the loli tag, there’s a possibility that people who don’t want to see that content might inadvertently come across it, so we need to address this issue. Do you have any good suggestions?

Additionally, the removal of content is at the discretion of the moderators, but if those moderators have a strong dislike for loli and shota content, can we be sure that their decisions to delete content aren’t influenced by personal preferences?

Everyone seems to enjoy legal arguments, but let me say this boldly:
The following is my opinion. Discussion about my opinion is meaningless.

‘Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.’ Although I am non-religious, I like this saying.

I will repeat it as many times as necessary: while it may be considered immoral, loli and shota are fictional creations. I believe everyone has had immoral thoughts, not just limited to loli and shota. I think this hypocritical and conservative law seeks to police those thoughts.

Why are games and movies that depict murder and crime allowed, but fictional images of loli and shota are not?
No one can answer this question consistently, because the law is wrong.


not going to lie, I had no idea this page even existed. I would have thought the site-wide rules post would mention it, but I guess not.

also having a laugh at this:

  1. You may not submit content to the forum that … infringes anyone’s intellectual property rights
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There is a big issue with CSAM, or at least the automatic detection of it as there have been a lot of cases where a “reviewer” from a site (think big social media for example) reports the not-CSAM image and it gets sent to the central database to which everyone checks from. It then leads to a wave of false banning across the internet, and there is most likely no way to undo it.

The person uploading loli content will get punished accordingly, its not about accidental eventuality. The moment you aknowledge that in a site (or this one) revolving around masturbation with a device, you or content creators posting loli beatoff videos that depict the art in a sexual manner give stimuli towards it. that is literally proving you link sexuality with said art. It has nothing to do with any artistic freedom or accidental exposure. The law is always a moral guided system. How can you proclaim that suddenly because we uphold one morality we cant uphold the other? Like i said, i think these people need help. The concept of loli or shota is in itself not illegal but you posted this on a website that beats you off brother.
Get some help.

we’re all on a site to beat off to porn. we all should get some help and touch grass.

but in all seriousness no one gives a shit lmao


Pretty sure @Hentai_Scripts meant that now that the tag is gone there’s nothing preventing the overly zealous puritans from coming across content that is loli adjacent but has been deemed ok by mods but not morally correct by some holier than thou jackasses.

A lot of posts were tagged “just in case” so that people would leave us alone.


This should definitely be addressed, personally it is content I don’t want to see (I had the tag blocked, no morality discussion just not something I want to see). If it’s not an outright ban, there should still be a way to distinguish it from other hentai.


yeah there is. its called loli.

unless theres another term i am unaware of.

maybe we could use the word moe?

Oh! Want to discuss? It’s fine. I love discussions.
First of all, my aforementioned opinion is not about uploading to this site or any other.
I am taking issue with the law itself.

So, to the main question, what is wrong with linking Lolita and Shota to sexuality?
Isn’t it the people who say it’s wrong who are confusing Lolita and Shota with child pornography?
It is because of this confusion that the wrong laws are enacted.

To be clear, I am sexually aroused by loli, shota, and other niche two-dimensional pictures, but not by any real-life child pornography.
In other words, it is a very specific fetishism. It just happens to be a picture of a loli or shota.

I wouldn’t waste your time arguing with these people


I didn’t know there was such a tag. I would like to make use of it.

Ok, cool story.
Now reality is that it has all to do with THIS site.
The link between loli or cp content related to a device that masturbates for you.
Its fine if you want to debate or discuss the morality of said material, but that only makes you project half the issues this site faces. The obvious morality of any fetish or deviancy is a very tanglable related issue when you involve the ACT of masturbation.
And that will be my final post. I support this site and their decision good job!


Reading way too into it bro

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If you require a study to be shown how people getting jerked off by a machine with this content to not be sexually oriented towards this fetish then i dont know what ever is logical to you.
You must be either the most critical smart thinker there is, or just plainly defending this absurd claim of ignorance.

Thank god its only masturbation, perhaps i could link you a study about psychology or the dangers of a pornographic addiction? I can so easilly present you with countless study’s about disorders that feed this but would that help the site? No, as the act of masturbation is not unhealthy. Im sure you wont have to google far to reach those studies. And that truely will be my last message, I wish all the users of this site the utmost best fap and fun of their lives. Unless its one of those people ya know.

lol, go ahead

bro is on a site for porn addicts and doesn’t realize he is also one.


I wont lie i’m addicted to cunny