Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

Moral != Legal. This is the reality of the situation. You’ll have to go elsewhere if you want to consume that content. Meanwhile, most people will simply heel to the whims of those in power for fear out of their welfare or safety. Tale as old as time.

streisand effect is real. for the past days, scripts forums have been nothing but bumps of loli content lmao


you’re gonna love the post im working on lol

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one chases after in order to chase away…

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anyone got any alternate websites for this tag? i feel like it’ll still get scripted and i wanted to see where scripters will go

ATF Forums is most likely going to be the primary site, there’s more in Alternative sharing sites for loli/shota content . Not exactly a fan of mega threads like they use at iwara.tv


I welcome the change because even with blacklisting the tags in my account preferences, they would occasionally pop up in searches. Some tags with extreme content should be opt in only IMO. Other websites have implemented it, it should be doable here.

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Take a look at my post over here: How to personalize feed and EroScripts interface + Blacklist Tags - #17 by Ratattack15
As I had the same issue as yourself till I asked Discourse themselves about it.

i think opt in would be a good idea. ofc the ppl running this site don’t wanna deal with that. even tho there should be such opt in not just for loli but for other weird stuff too.


Sorry i’m not brain damaged enough to relate loli and children.

Edit: this is my reply to vlad and my last one on this thread.

Loli’s are not children. The fact you think so already worries me about why the tag is being scrubbed away. Loli is simply a character archetype in anime/manga. It has no relation to real life and there’s no such thing as IRL loli or anything like that. If the problem is how they look then you’ll be banning all the content with petite women or anything from the “barely legal” category that is oh so popular on porn sites.

even if that is a loli it’s a legal one. but just looks like a petite character it being in a sfm type style also leads credence to that

So you think loli aren’t children?
You’re either confused are tried a failed gotcha.
I’m feeling merciful. Try not to get banned.

Edit: I wasn’t trying to imply loli are children. I was pointing out the contradiction Aodin was making.

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Lolis are cartoons. Children are people. Do you think live action porn with girls who look younger than 18 should also be banned? What about roleplay scenes where the girl not only looks super young, but is pretending/implied to be underage? Of course we don’t care about that, because we know it isn’t real. Cartoon porn is exponentially less real than live action, and yet people act like it is somehow more harmful


I’ll be honest here. I have a different view when it comes to shota stuff than I do loli stuff. The loli stuff for me is as if I was the adult man having sex with underage girls, and that does not sit well with me, regardless if it’s just a cartoon. With shota however, I do not see it as me in the role of an underaged boy having sex with adult women. Instead, I see it as if I’m still an adult man, but having sex with larger/taller/thicker adult women who initiate it. Like the Amazon women in Futurama.


I’m scaroused!

not all of them are.

as much as i think the guy is an idiot, its not very classy of you to threaten to ban someone while continuing a conversation that isn’t supposed to be on this post anymore too.

You’re a mod why don’t you act like it?
you both should continue this conversation here regardless of how you feel about it.


He’s got a fair point, actually.

Yes. That VaM character can be considered loli in the broad sense. Even the video had “loli” in its title. However, I shall reiterate that the criteria for the loli tag on this site is depictions that looks pre-pubescent. She’s got small tits indeed, but that’s not a pre-pubescent body.

Absolutely. Loli is not children. Loli is a depiction.



what’s VaM mean?

Virt-a-mate it’s a program here: https://hub.virtamate.com/

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VaM is awesome, there’s mods to use it with the handy in realtime

There’s also a lot of loli mods for it :sob:


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Loli / shota debate containment thread