Uptick in paid posters?

Hi all. Been a member for a couple years now. Has anyone else noticed an increase in paid posters, especially for animated content? It feels like nowadays I see the same few posters for <5 minute scripts asking for cash. Because of this, those animations don’t get engagement and no one vets the scripts, so the content just dies. Is it just me?


Yeah. I noticed it too.

Yeah, and way too many certain individuals who love to link paid videos with no screenshot previews, as if that’s a way to entice people to subscribe and not completely annoy everyone…


Glad it’s not just me. I have half a mind to just make requests for free versions, but not sure if that’s against the rules or not. Feels like the same few folks are just spamming paid links and then nothing gets done.

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*Current month’s values have been doubled to reflect being half way though the month


I haven’t done any fact checking on if there is more scripters asking for money out of nowhere at all.
However there is an Site Feedback topic with the intention to solve multiple things including this here’s a link:

It needs more feedback/talking I believe for this to come to fruition so join in the discussion over there.

PS @rovovi how did you get that graph?

I made it using the data I have :saluting_face:

I am actually happy to see a lot of people starting to value their work more by offering paid content. I too enjoy free content, but as a scripter, I know how long it takes to make a script and how much my time should be valued. Now, I do see paid scripts going up for sale that are less than 5 minutes or are pmvs that could have a work around where someone uses a beat generator, which I do question how much time and effort is put into those (Not directed towards any one person.) Personally, if I make a script like that I just give it away for free to my free members on my Patreon. However, I make all of my full scripts available for a $5 tier on my Patreon and with making about 10+ scripts a month, that seems fair to me.


sweats in scripter*

next thread

although it’s interesting seeing just how many paid scripts there actually is month over month. Soon the paid scripts will outweigh the free ones.

Yes, really I wouldn’t have noticed if it weren’t for the length, and that the scripts themselves usually don’t get much traction, so it’s not really possible to tell the quality. I find myself visiting less and less as there frequently isn’t content I’m interested in that I’d have access to.

If you see extremely low effort topics (missing preview and basic information), feel free to flag them.


I’m gonna have a field day soon, then.

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Does missing video length count as basic information?

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I kind of want to turn these statistic numbers into a script and see how it turns out, lol.

If you create sub categories then there’s less of a chance posts become drown out. There has been a recent uptick in members. Especially from the Asian communities. Which is great, ine no problem there. But with growth comes the need for greater organization.

Maybe it’s time to create an animated free and animated paid section to slightly curb the issues

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I created it by week as it gives you more data points, switches the value based on the % of the maximum number of scripts posted per week, every 0.5 sec or 0.25 sec with the free and paid alternating. so the values are something like 21%, 3%, 27%, 3%, 33%…71%, 28%, 68%,37%…

eroscript-2020-33_to_2024-28-free-paid-500ms-switch.funscript (9.2 KB)

eroscript-2020-33_to_2024-28-free-paid-250ms-switch.funscript (9.0 KB)

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That’s brilliant lol.

You should probably post about that in the site feedback section instead of this thread.

Man, then paid scripters need to up their game because then I expect frame by frame perfect with some testing done for every part. I am rarely satisfied with the work I paid for which is also why I started scripting myself. Yeah sure a good VR script takes some good ass time, but if everyone did that we all could enjoy way more content.

Not to mention that most of the content on here already gets pirated on 4chan, the K Site, Discord and other communities. Most of them a lot more hidden now after DoubleVR from SLR tried to drown the vocal minority that shared SLR content.

So for paid, imo only commissions are worth it at all and those push me to script stuff I wouldnt have done or just did a some parts which I then also release for free.

But lord, tons of not satisfying work in the paid section.