Video and script cutter?

Is there a tool with which you can cutt videos and scripts together? (Editing scripts does not have to be)
I know there was a Topic about this over two years ago but unfortunately without an answer.

To my knowledge there still isn’t a tool that can do this out of the box. The question has been asked many times over the years. Just a few links (there are probably more topics on this).

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Man i really wish someone creates a program that can do this and seems not just me. The ideas presented arent so practical or precise. Easiest solution i found so far but is streaming only for vid and script, is if have slr premium sub theres way to create your own interactive videos also called byoj, which you can use to cut up a video into parts and organize as you like. But has one big drawback that between parts there is a long 3-5 sec delay. So still no perfect solution exists

All right, thank you both!
I am also very surprised that there is no plugin for one or other Video cutter to link with a script editor.

Would this be what you’re looking for?

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awesomeee, missed that thread, will give it a try

I spent a lot of time fixing it, but it finally works pretty well from my testing. Works great if you clip multiple spots from the same video, too.

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That looks interesting, I’ll take a closer look, thanks!