I’m new to using scripts. Recently got myself the handy and am trying to run scripts via multifunplayer. The handy is connected via intiface since the built-in option in MFP doesn’t do anything. So far I’ve tried two players - VLC and OFP (not really a player but still). When running a script with OFP the handy follows it immaculately, I can hear the little clanks of it stopping and changing direction precisely at the points in the script. When I try to run the same script with VLC it gets seriously out of sync and I have no idea why. I’d be fine with running scripts through OFP but I don’t know how to enable fullscreen video or if there even is an option to enable it. Does anyone know how to fix VLC or at least watch through OFP properly?
I also use VLC to play media. I also tried MFP and it too didn’t work. I have not tried OFP, but I do use ScriptPlayer. It syncs perfectly with VLC and is easy to use with The Handy.
Will try that too, thanks!
Yeah vlc was terrible, i use mhc to sync instead
I use de VlcApi a couple of times and the current time function is terrible.
Vlc3 has bad timing, got hit by that as well
Use the MPV, select it and run, MFP can install a portable one itswlf
Will leave my findings here for others. Tried scriptplayer and despite it being connected directly to the handy via wifi it also performed poorly with VLC. Tried it with MPC-HC and it worked, but had some stutters and jerkiness in the movements and couldn’t loop the media properly as well as being a bit random (once it decided to resume the script while I paused the player). Turns out the sweetspot is MPC-HC used with multifunplayer. Connect your handy via legacy bluetooth mode to intiface and choose buttplug.io in multifunplayer. Enable polled update for the handy as it seems to fix any jerkiness that is present with the fixed update (default option).
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