VR Funscript generation helper - Python & now CV AI

Thanks for your feedback.

You mean more a Copilot assistant in this style ?

I trained a transformer model yesterday and raw coded this editor with suggestions/predictions based on the last dozen positions scripted, that you can accept with Enter or just override, etc.

The positions on the left are the one I input, on the right of the red bar the suggestions. Disregard the non relevancy of the positions, it is just to showcase the prediction based on the previous positions.

Actually planning on including this type of prediction in my unsupervised approach when both yolo tracking and kalman predictors fail.

Definitely, if it gets any traction / interest at some point.
Not sure how nor when, the very little help offers I received until now did not seem to make the original project progress, so I actually started back from start with the yolo training approach.

Not necessarily, i meant a full editor similar to the open funscripter project (where you can not only script manually but also extend the functionality of the editor via plugins) that would also contain a layer of AI features on top. And if it sounds like i basically want OFS but better, it’s because i want OFS but better lol. It was very dissapointing to see that project get canned when it had so much potential, but on the flipside it was not easy to extend it because of the author’s choice of underlying framework/language. But yeah i feel like this community would benefit greatly from something that would take the best of all existing funscripter environments, put them in one package and offer AI features to boot. Probably just a pipe dream though.

Further refining of the algorithm, footage below of unsupervised funscript generation (green in the graph), comparing to the human made funscript (blue in the graph) for 4 randomly picked sections of the video:


Still tuning, mouth and hands movements being dealt with better during blowjob/handjob. Still need to test foot job, and adjust amplitude globally. Working on it. Here is the result of a generated funscript vs a human generated script the scripter considers “exaggerated as per his taste” - got most of the strokes right and in sync, some human generated strokes seem out of context when analyzing deeply, and some erroneous interpretation from the algorithm, amplitude needs to be tuned… Fully unsupervised.

Hoping I can offer generating full funscript files soon to willing testers for feedback and adjustments.