Wednesday Wicked and Wet (Game Mod Integration) Public Release! New V1.1.1 update

well what version of the game are you using? v1 or v1.1? I should be able to tell you what the name of the animations are for them @Castrum

So I just went through the whole game on V1.1 and every animation is working as intended (not noticing any delays either) . I did have to perform a clean reinstall after buttplug interface seemed to had updated because none of the scripts were being picked up by the mod after that happened. Once I reinstalled the game and mod everything worked fine now.

35 kg brushless sub-motor, AND 1.1VERSION. Only when I set it to 100%, I felt the game and script didn’t fit well.

ok so i got it to work but i had to manually select “default” under the variant tab even though EDI already has it selected when opened.

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is it time?


its pizza time


it’s morbin time

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It’s Wednesday time

I have one of these Autoblow AI Ultra Blowjob Machine | Autoblow With Porn Sync | Best Blowjob Machine and I was told that it works with the EDI but I’m not seeing how to use it or integrate it. Are there any videos or instructions I can follow? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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You miss the link about Edi in README: Easy Device Integration for Games. EDI OSR Multi Axis Added + Intensity, Range [07/2024]

You gotta read the whole essay and follow it.

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does not seem to work for me, EDI works well and I can play the scripts manually from it, but while playing the game no script is triggered. I even tried the csv solution that Castrum left in the thread, but no luck.


Some tips on how to improve the integration:
I think it would be better to focus on the bigger picture rather than capturing micro-events. It could be more practical and fun to achieve, for example, if you treated each beat challenge as a PMV. When played incorrectly, you could interrupt or apply an effect to the script.

Regarding touch events, something similar could work—a set of scripts like “boob, butt, pussy,” all with the same duration but differing by clothing levels. An effect could be triggered when touched incorrectly.

In that case, you would need to capture fewer events or recognize fewer scripts—just the first one for each beat Challange—and then trigger the entire PMV sequence until it ends.

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Thanks for the feedback, I could go back and take out the some of the details to make it smoother, BUT someone would have to repackage the scripts into the mod cause that went above my head

heads up will be working on updating the scripts for this mod to play better. expect a new version out soon


Version 1.1 is live!

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It still seems to not play automatically but like someone said when played manually from the player it seems to work just fine.

All the Idle scripts and even the part to earn hearts works fine. The beat map sections only play the Idle script and nothing else.

The script names are different when EDI tries to play them is this correct?

When EDI tries to play:
When you play manually:


So, the scripts for this are terrible for vibes. I went through and inverted almost all of them individually and kept their names the same, to make them run better with toys that vibe rather than stroke. If you want to use these, be sure you backup the normal ones in your “Gallery” folder as they are better for strokers, then extract this to your EDI folder and overwrite the files it prompts, which will be all of the funscript files.



Thanks for the feedback, going to @to4st so that he can see this.

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New 1.1.1 version is out. Thanks to @Sacrifuge for verifying that it works properly

Anyone have the mod for 1.0? That’s the game version I have and while the Edi program connects with my Handy, it doesn’t seem to be connected with the game. Nothing in the game elicit’s a reaction in the Edi Launcher or Handy, but playing a script in the launcher works.

EDIT: nvm, figured out it was just the port being occupied by some other program. Killed it and everything worked.

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