What are your favorite videos/scripts while stoned?

I see popper-edits around here from time to time, but I’ve never been into that. I’m just looking for some psychedelic content. Calm or intense is fine with me.

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This Shibby hypnosis script with trippy accompanying VR video:

If you like it long, slow with psychedelic stoner rock in the background this might be something you like:


This was a good script, unfortunately i seem to be immune to hypnosis so I didn’t get the full experience.

I don’t know if it would be good stoned, but your post reminded me of this one:

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It honestly takes a bit of practice and repetition to get the full effect on the hypnosis stuff and having haptics going the whole time while holding a handy or whichever takes away from getting you properly induced.

That script is also a bit too jerky when it transitions to the second pattern halfway through the induction so it draws you out quite a bit. Been meaning to change it on mine but just never got around to it…

This one is a pretty decent hypnosis audio for beginners if you have any interest in trying hypnosis again but it doesn’t have haptics, unfortunately.

Hypnosis isn’t magic so it’s not exactly going to melt your brain but it’s still quite pleasant if you let it be and is just something different.

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xfeeefeee videos might scratch that psychadelic itch and they’re well known enough to get some pretty talented scripters involved.
This one is my favorite:


Nice I was about to recommend https://discuss.eroscripts.com/t/pmv-reverie-by-xfeeefeee-vibrator-09-22/115087/9

His content is off the charts. The color symmetry and smoke wafting around really adds to the effect.

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